Counting the number of atoms for an element in a chemical formula
I have a 2D wave wherein column 1 is a list of chemical formulas and column 2 is their intensity in a soft ionization mass spectra. Now I want to calculate elemental ratios for each of these formulas (e.g. O:C, N:C, H:C and S:C ratios). For this, I am trying to figure out a way for the program to read numbers between text.
For example: C6H10O5. I want the program to be able to figure out how many C, H and O atoms are in this formula. Kindly advise how to optimally do this. I was trying to use regex expressions but couldn't iron out the logic.
The issue is that in some formulas there will be double digits for an element while a single digit in others (e.g. C6 vs C16). So, the program needs to be able to recognize when it encounters a text as opposed to a number while counting for an element.
How could I best execute this task?
Thanks a ton!
Best regards,
have a look at this project
March 23, 2023 at 06:26 am - Permalink
For your simple case, I constructed this and it seems to work, i.e., the function extracts the number behind the species letter:
if (strsearch(formula, species,0,2) == -1)
return 0
String count
SplitString/E=(".*"+species+"([[:digit:]]+).*") formula, count
return str2num(count)
For example:
March 23, 2023 at 06:37 am - Permalink
In reply to For your simple case, I… by chozo
You might need to deal with the case of no digit(s) after the element.
I was working on the following when the replies were posted:
string sElmnt
string sChem
string sRegEx = "([" + sElmnt + "]{1})([[:digit:]]+){1}"
variable vCount = 0
string sDummy, sCount
if( GrepString( sChem, sRegEx ) )
SplitString /E=sRegEx sChem, sDummy, sCount
vCount = str2num( sCount )
sRegEx = "([" + sElmnt + "]{1})"
if ( GrepString(sChem, sRegEx) == 1 )
vCount = 1
return vCount
Function getCHONC(sChem)
string sChem
variable vC, vH, vO, vN, vS
vC = getElmntCount("C", sChem)
vH = getElmntCount("H", sChem)
vO = getElmntCount("O", sChem)
vN = getElmntCount("N", sChem)
vS = getElmntCount("S", sChem)
printf "C: %g, H: %g, O: %g, N: %g, S: %g\r", vC, vH, vO, vN, vS
March 23, 2023 at 06:51 am - Permalink
Thank you so much, tony, chozo and KurtB for these awesome suggestions! I am going to try them out and let you know in case I'm still stuck. Really appreciate the help!
March 23, 2023 at 08:57 am - Permalink
I would probably search through the string one character at a time.
1. The first character should be upper case
2. Check if the next character is lower case, numeric or upper case
3. Save lower case, if present
4. Save numeric, if present
5. Once you reach a new upper case character you start from 1
At the end you probably want to check the letter combinations against a list of valid elements
March 23, 2023 at 02:36 pm - Permalink
You already got good advise, just to mention that olelytken's strategy is implemented in the function ElementCount(str) below:
There are smarter alternatives for the regex parts but it works.
March 24, 2023 at 12:49 am - Permalink
string strList = ""
string strCount, element
variable vCount, vAtoms
if (GrepString(formula, "^[A-Za-z0-9\.]+$") == 0)
return ""
SplitString/E=("(^[A-Z][a-z]*)([[:digit:],\.]*)(.*)") formula, element, strCount, formula
if (strlen(element))
vCount = NumberByKey(element, strList)
vCount = numtype(vCount) ? 0 : vCount
vAtoms = str2num(strCount)
vAtoms = numtype(vAtoms) ? 1 : vAtoms
strList = ReplaceNumberByKey(element, strList, vCount + vAtoms)
return ""
while (strlen(formula))
return strList
March 24, 2023 at 03:23 am - Permalink
In reply to function/S elementlist… by tony
@tony - very neat solution. I never knew SplitString could nibble bits off like that.
One learns something every day!
March 24, 2023 at 04:26 am - Permalink
Thanks all again for your excellent solutions!
@tony: thanks! Upon running elementlist ("C6H10O5"), I get C:6; H:10;O:5; as a text solution which is great. However, I want to store the counts in specific numeric waves so I could calculate the O:C, N:C, S:C ratios etc.
One quick issue is that the output from elementlist will have or miss elements depending on which ones are present in the chemical formula. So how to assign element counts to individual numeric waves for each element?
For example, I have a 1D wave with chemical formulas. Now I want 5 other 1D waves (or lets say 1 2D wave with 5 columns) where each column stores numeric count values of C, H, O, N, S. When an element is not present in the formula, it gets assigned a value of NaN in the 2D wave. I think if I start with a fully NaNed 2D wave, that will take care of the assigning NaNs to absent elements. However, I still need to assign the result from the text output as numeric values in individual columns of the 2D wave.
Actually I haven't used "Numberbykey" much before so this is quite a learning experience for me. Not sure how to extract numbers from your code and assign them to 1D waves..
Kindly advise (all). Thanks a ton!
March 24, 2023 at 07:46 am - Permalink
If you want to use the keylist approach you can extract values from the list using the NumberByKey function. So you could put the keylists in a textwave and then write something like Wave2D[][%C] = NumberByKey("C", ListWave). But, if you're working with waves, you may be better off with chozo's approach: Wave2D[][%C] = countAtoms(FormulaWave, "C").
If the columns have elements as dimension labels you can also write
Wave2D = countAtoms(FormulaWave[p], GetDimLabel(Wave2D, 1, q))
Edit: I mixed up the names of the functions by chozo and KurtB
March 24, 2023 at 08:13 am - Permalink
If you will choose my code, rather use the revised function below, which can also count single atoms:
if (strsearch(formula, species,0,2) == -1)
return 0
String countStr
SplitString/E=(".*"+species+"([[:digit:]]+).*") formula, countStr
Variable count = str2num(countStr)
return numtype(count) == 0 ? count : 1
March 24, 2023 at 08:23 am - Permalink
And, for completeness, there's this horribly inefficient version:
Wave2D = NumberByKey(GetDimLabel(Wave2D, 1, q), elementlist(FormulaWave[p]))
March 24, 2023 at 08:33 am - Permalink
Thanks a lot, tony and chozo, for your responses. Below is what I have set up based on your codes, which does the job. I am going to read up more on the NumberbyKey function:
March 27, 2023 at 04:46 am - Permalink
Note that you can use an implicit loop rather than nested loops to set values in a wave:
elementscount = countAtoms(specieswave[p],stringfromlist(q,elements))
// instead of this
elementscount[i][%$stringfromlist(j,elements)] = countAtoms(specieswave[i],stringfromlist(j,elements))
March 27, 2023 at 04:55 am - Permalink
Thanks, tony! I'd certainly prefer to cut out multiple loops wherever possible. This helps a lot.
March 27, 2023 at 05:57 am - Permalink
In reply to function/S elementlist… by tony
That is amazingly elegant!! Been trying to develop similar code, but without using GrepString.
July 28, 2023 at 07:35 am - Permalink