converting byte waves to floating point numbers

Anyway, does anyone have an easier way than type-casting via structures like so:
structure dbyte_struct char bytes[8] endstructure structure dval_struct double value endstructure function BytesToDouble(byteWave, byteOrder) wave byteWave variable byteOrder struct dbyte_struct db struct dval_struct dv variable k for( k = 0; k < 8; k += 1 ) db.bytes[k] = byteWave[k] endfor string temp StructPut/S db, temp StructGet/S/B=(byteOrder) dv, temp return dv.value end
I've had to solve similar problems.
Check out the Sockit XOP.
Use SOCKITwavetoString to convert the bytes into a string, then use SOCKITstringtowave to put the bytes into the wavetype of your choice. It will do big endian conversions if you ask it to. It's all done in memory with memcpy.
Alternatively, you should be able to use redimension with the /E flag. That's probably safer if you're distributing code.
February 9, 2011 at 09:53 pm - Permalink
operation actually does the entire job. So all I have to do isRedimension /D /E=1 bw
is a byte wave made byMake/B/U bw
as in my previous code. If the byte order is in doubt, I can then useRedimension /D /E=2 bw
to swap the byte order back and forth...
This is brilliant. The documentation nearly hides this cool feature, the only information I could find in the help files was
Uncharacteristically terse...although spot-on in hindsight.
Thanks for pointing that out, Andy!
February 10, 2011 at 02:39 am - Permalink