“per column” max value & location

The former I can do using:
ImageTransform/METH=1 xProject mat2D
But for the later I have not found a solution WITHOUT looping over single columns.
Are there any other options?
Output should be a 1d wave analogous to V_maxcolloc from WaveStats.
I would like to avoid an additional (nested) loop here, because of computation time, readability, …
Thanks for your help.
Why would it require an additional loop? A single loop performing wavestats on each column (copied into a temporary 1D wave) will provide max value and location.
March 5, 2015 at 07:18 am - Permalink
...in addition to the loops in my code...
All other operations I can perform "in parallel" using MatrixOP.
The only bottleneck is this 1d search for the maximum location.
I thought maybe I am missing something here...
March 5, 2015 at 07:53 am - Permalink
MatrixOP could do much of the job but it does not provide two different results (max and maxLoc) at the same time. I think the OP would benefit from IP7 WaveStats/C that lets you obtain the results on a column-by-column basis. In the meantime I can only suggest looping through the wave, extracting a column and performing WaveStats/M=1 as in:
WaveMetrics, Inc.
March 5, 2015 at 08:22 am - Permalink