Checkbox Preferences


Is possible to have checkbox variable be an element of a wave rather than a variable?

CheckBox Check,pos={10,10},size={20,20},proc=Proc1,title="Check"
CheckBox Check,variable= A[0]

instead of variable = A0

Ken wrote:
Is possible to have checkbox variable be an element of a wave rather than a variable?

It is not. You are thinking of the ability to use a wave element with SetVariable. I usually prefer not to use any sort of global storage (variable or wave) which tends to clutter up the Igor environment. I almost always use ControlInfo at the point where I need to know the state of the checkbox or slider. And now that SetVariable allows you to use value=_NUM: and value=_STR: there is little need for global objects to hold values for controls.

John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
I got my code to work by using ControlInfo. It was very straightforward once I understood how the function works, and it saved me the trouble of having to keep track of new waves or global variables. Thanks.