"Can't use $ in this way in a function"
Function SwWave(a bunch of parameters)
Wave PositiveWave, NegativeWave
I use Sprintf to make strings that correspond to two wave names. The strings are called PosWavename and NegWavename and correspond to data waves that I have.
Before doing the comparisons, I try to set the value of these waves equal to the waves defined earlier as PositiveWave and Negative Wave
It fails at this point and gives me the error, "Can't use $ in this way in a function". If anyone has any knowledge that could help I'd greatly appreciate it.
Also attached the file, just in case my barebones description wasn't enough.
Your code has statements like this:
Wave PositiveWave,NegativeWave
Sprintf PosWavename "%s%-5.3f", PosWavePrefix, Temperature[h] // Your code does not contain the needed String PosWavename statement to create a local string
It is important to remember that a WAVE statement is BOTH a declaration AND an assignment, so
Sprintf PosWavename "%s%-5.3f", PosWavePrefix, Temperature[h]
Wave PositiveWave
PostiveWave= $PosWavename // wrong, Igor thinks you're trying to modify the CONTENTS of a global wave named PositiveWave
is different than:
Sprintf PosWavename "%s%-5.3f", PosWavePrefix, Temperature[h]
Wave PostiveWave= $PosWavename // right, Igor understands you're creating a local reference to a global wave using the name stored in the local PosWavename string.
And I'm not a big fan of passing parameters into a function through global strings like SVAR; that's what function parameter arguments are for.
--Jim Prouty
Software Engineer, WaveMetrics, Inc.
July 18, 2012 at 03:58 pm - Permalink
July 19, 2012 at 08:50 am - Permalink
July 19, 2012 at 09:23 am - Permalink