Can I change the default preferences of graph ?

Jinhyung Kim
I have a question.
Can I change the default option of graph ?
For example, I prefer 'Scientific exponential label' in ticks & grid option but the default is Engineering Exponential label.
Also, I prefer 'no ticks' in Mirror in Axis option.
Can I change them in default ?
Thanks in advance.
Graphs created manually will use those settings.
In a Macro turn Prefs on if you want them to apply using the Preferences 1 command.
--Jim Prouty
Software Engineer, WaveMetrics, Inc.
February 22, 2016 at 12:20 pm - Permalink
My default is to use lines between points. My second most common mode is to use markers and or lines and markers. The default marker is the "+" symbol. Is it possible to set the default marker to a filled circle when I select a mode that has markers? i.e. set the default marker to filled circle.
February 22, 2016 at 12:26 pm - Permalink
No. I'd recommend looking into writing graph style macros that you keep in a procedure file within your Igor Procedures folder.
--Jim Prouty
Software Engineer, WaveMetrics, Inc.
February 22, 2016 at 08:51 pm - Permalink