Burn-in annotation on TIF's

I load existing TIF images to annotate them in Igor using SetDrawEnv followed by e.g. DrawText or DrawLine.
Using then ImageSave does not save the annotation. I understand why but is there any possibility to do a "burn-in"?
I think you can use Edit - Export Graphics...
This copies the window to the clipboard, with annotations (at least it did for me when I tried just now).

Alternatively there is File - Save Graphics...

Hope this helps.
Thanks Kurt (sorry for the late reply!).
I didn't know about "Export Graphics" and the clipboard option, but I want to do this programmatically (adding scale bar information to a bunch of microscopy images), so pasting the image somewhere will be the problem.

With "Save Graphics" I incorrectly thought I don't preserve the image dimensions but a preceding ModifyGraph margin=-1 does the trick.
ChrLie wrote:

With "Save Graphics" I incorrectly thought I don't preserve the image dimensions but a preceding ModifyGraph margin=-1 does the trick.

Well, actually no it doesn't.

To be more specific: Considering the following (example-) annotation function:

function AnnotationTest(width)
    variable width
    variable height = round(width*3/4)
        //make image
    Make/O/W/U/N=(width, height) M_Image = abs(enoise(65535))
    Duplicate/FREE/O M_Image ScaleBar
    //Make scale bar 10% of image height
    Redimension/N=(width, round(height/10), -1) ScaleBar
    ScaleBar = 0
    variable ScaleHeight = DimSize(ScaleBar, 1)
    variable textheight = (height+ScaleHeight/2)/(height+ScaleHeight)
    Concatenate/O/NP=1 {M_Image,ScaleBar}, M_ImageScaled
    NewImage/K=1 M_ImageScaled
    ModifyGraph margin=-1
    // add some text
    SetDrawEnv textrgb= (65535,65535,65535),textxjust= 1,textyjust= 1,fstyle= 2, fname ="Arial", fsize = round(ScaleHeight*0.3)
    DrawText 0.5, TextHeight ,"...noisy image...."
    // add e.g. scale bar, magnification etc…..

and executing:

SavePICT/O/E=-7 as "Annotated.TIF"

saves an images with a width of 1052 pixel instead of 1024 to disk. I tried playing with the /RES and /B flag, but unsuccessfully. Is there any way to annotate but not changing the image width upon saving? ImageSave does it, but then the text is gone.

I just realize this seems to be more an issue related to NewImage….. but still makes me wonder how to get an annotated image with the exact image width.