Bug with Office 365 ?

I am running Igor 6 on a MAC (El Capitan).
I've just been "upgraded" to Office365. Now it seems that Igor will not recognize multi-column copy and paste (from Excel)... pastes it as one column...
Can you reproduce that ?
Igor does not look for RTF on the clipboard. It looks for plain text which is the lingua franca of data exchange.
Why Microsoft stopped putting plain text on the clipboard is a mystery to me.
The OS provides translation between the format on the clipboard and the format a program, such as Igor, is looking for. Apparently there is something wrong or incompatible with the way Mac OS X does that translation.
The workaround is to paste into TextEdit and then copy/paste into Igor.
Alternatively you can use File->Load Waves->Load Excel File.
This problem does not affect Igor7, I suspect because the Qt framework on which Igor7 is based does a correct translation from RTF to plain text, or because it is using newer OS routines for accessing the clipboard.
March 10, 2017 at 06:40 pm - Permalink
Thank you ...
March 13, 2017 at 03:30 pm - Permalink