Background image in Gizmo

According to AppendImageToGizmo.ihf, I should be able to add a background image to my Gizmo. As I understand it, a background image is fixed with respect to the boundaries of the window, and does not rotate along with the 3d objects.

When I choose Gizmo/Append Image..., the dialog box does not look like the one in the help file, and in particular I don't see an equivalent of the "Placement" tab that is shown in the help file. I attach the dialog box that I see as well as the one in the help file.. Any ideas on how to add a background image? 

Igor dialog box Help file dialog box

It seems like this particular option does not exist anymore in the modern panel. But peeking a bit into the demo experiments, it does seem to be very simple to add a background:

  1. Add the image via the normal dialog with the default XY plane at Z=-1.
  2. Move the image to the very top of the display list (if it is the only item, then it is already at the top of course).
  3. Add a MainTransformation item to the display list using the + button. This will lock transformations for everything higher in the list (i.e., your background).
  4. You also might want to add a 'Clear Texture' item afterwards to not apply your background to the following objects in the list.