Append text waves to table

I use this feature all the time.
However, when I try and do this with text waves I do not have this option.
Of course I can use the table tab dropdown interface or the command line to accomplish this, but for efficiency in work flow I love the right click option.
Is this something that can be easily changed?
Also, when transferring table data into excel, I typically just copy from the Igor table and paste into excel.
Is there a way to also copy the the column names/labels?
No because Copy copies only the selected cells and you can't select the column names.
You can export to a tab-delimited file and then import into Excel. Choose Data->Save Waves->Save Delimited Text.
You can also use File->Save Table Copy.
Note that both Copy and Save Table Copy export exactly the text as shown in the table. This may not represent the underlying data in full precision.
Data->Save Waves->Save Delimited Text exports with 15 digits of precision and thus captures full precision.
May 29, 2014 at 01:16 pm - Permalink