another subwinow in panel problem

Hello all,

I'm having some issues getting to grips with subwinodows within panels. Specifically returning the correct value for a string = S_value (from getwinodw)

in the function that creates the panel called PanelName i embed a subwindow with the follwoing

    display/k=1 /w=(400, 20, 833, 320)/HOST=PanelName /n=EMBD_IMG
    modifygraph framestyle=1
    setactivesubwindow ##

in a separate function i want to call the subwindow EMBD_IMG so that i can append an image (and other things) to it.

        DoWindow/F PanelName
    getwindow PanelName#EMBD_IMG activeSW
    string /g activesubwindow = s_value

but the sting activesubwindow only ever returns a value=PanelName... when i want it to have value=PanelName#EMBD_IMG

or am i going about this all wrong?

Thanks in advance.
Why does your function care what the active subwindow is?

Why not just append a trace to the subwindow regardless of where the focus is?

Window Panel0() : Panel
    PauseUpdate; Silent 1       // building window...
    NewPanel /W=(150,77,450,277)
    RenameWindow #,EMBD_IMG 
    SetActiveSubwindow ##
Macro testappend()
    Make/O/N=20 data=p
    AppendToGraph/W=Panel0#EMBD_IMG data

--Jim Prouty
Software Engineer, WaveMetrics, Inc.