Animating multiple graphs
The code looks at colocalisation over time in two different tiff stacks. It makes four different graphs which update for each frame of the movie. Currently, my procedure saves these graphs to disk as a movie and optionally as individual TIFFs.
At the end I reassemble the two stacks into a montage with a red/green representation of the two channels overlaid. I use the slider to scroll through. So far so good. Now I'd like to add the graphs alongside this and scroll everything together them too.
I was going to reimport my TIFFs from disk and assemble them, but I thought this is probably a bit silly. Originally I saved to disk because I was going to work in another program, but now I just figured I'd do everything in Igor - why not?!
Is it better to store the TIFFs of the graphs in Picture Gallery as they are made, and use the gallery somehow to reassemble everything?
Or maybe to create a 4D wave with the TIFFs, adding layers as the code progresses? And then stick these together at the end.
Something else??
Thank you for any help
1. I would not save in the Gallery a very long sequence of images. Your experiment file will become unnecessarily large.
2. Images of graphs usually take more storage space then the data used to generate them. Unless the underlying calculation is too costly I'd compute and generate the graphs on the fly. Otherwise I would just store the generated data (not full images).
January 26, 2017 at 12:37 pm - Permalink
January 26, 2017 at 09:36 pm - Permalink
January 27, 2017 at 10:28 am - Permalink