An Airy Disk PSF
I can generate a circular gaussian PSF via:
Function fillingauss(c)
variable c
nVar W=root:width
nVar yL=root:Ylocation
nVar xL=root:xLocation
make/o/n=(c,c) PSF_Part
psf_Part=(1/((2*pi)*w^2))*exp(-((x-xL)^2 + (y-yL)^2)/(2*(w^2))) //equation for circular gaussian distribution
variable c
nVar W=root:width
nVar yL=root:Ylocation
nVar xL=root:xLocation
make/o/n=(c,c) PSF_Part
psf_Part=(1/((2*pi)*w^2))*exp(-((x-xL)^2 + (y-yL)^2)/(2*(w^2))) //equation for circular gaussian distribution
See attached gizmo image of above function (Circular Gauss). I would like to now modify this to generate an Airy Disk PSF, see attached image(AiryDisk).
Is there a simple modification (besselJ?) of the above function to generate the ripple on the guassian PSF?
If you are looking for the PSF version then you would want the form besselj(1,r)/r with r replaced by the "scaled" distance from the optical axis.
WaveMetrics, Inc.
November 14, 2012 at 11:58 am - Permalink
Thanks. Was there supposed to be a bit of code pasted on your response?
November 14, 2012 at 12:36 pm - Permalink
I did not think that any code was necessary there but if you really want a function here is one example:
Variable npix,cx,cy,D,lambda
Make/O/D/N=(npix,npix) airyWave
Variable rs=1 // set to 1 for unscaled example.
// feel free to add wave scaling here and uncomment/modify the following
// scale factor as appropriate for your application.
// rs=pi*D/lambda
I hope this helps,
November 14, 2012 at 02:15 pm - Permalink
November 14, 2012 at 03:30 pm - Permalink
The intensity PSF for an incoherent source ought to be proportional to
to give a non-negative intensity point-spread function. The differences between coherent and incoherent optical response functions are interesting and significant. Be careful to choose the one appropriate to your needs. The Airy function per se given by AG's code is the Fourier-Bessel transform of a uniform, coherent circular aperture, and has negative regions where the optical phase of the field changes.November 15, 2012 at 03:51 am - Permalink