Accessing data folder structure from PXP file

Hi guys,

Quick question: is there a way to read data from a PXP file without either opening it in IGOR, nor actually loading it into a working experiment file? For example, I would like to set up a variable which is dependent on the number of datafolders inside different PXP file which I want to access via the LoadData operation.

Bottom line, my question is general: Is it possible to read and operate on closed PXP files without opening them, nor loading their contents into a working experiment, while using some elements of its contents as input parameters?

Thanks in advance,


I would like to set up a variable which is dependent on the number of datafolders inside different PXP file which I want to access via the LoadData operation.

You can load data folders without loading their contents. Here is an example:
Function Test(pathName, fileName)
    String pathName
    String fileName
    NewDataFolder/O/S TemporaryForLoadData
    LoadData/R/O/L=0/P=$pathName/Q fileName
    Variable numTopLevelDataFolders = CountObjects(":", 4)
    Print numTopLevelDataFolders
    KillDataFolder :