No, but I did once write a reader for sequencing chromatograms in the SCF format. This was a long time ago and I've forgotten pretty much everything about it. I'm including the code below in case it can help you out.
Some quick searching revealed that the ABI format specification can be found online. I think you could use that to make your own reader in Igor but it depends on your familiarity with programming.
#pragma rtGlobals=1// Use modern global access method.// SCFHeader
uint32 magic_number // Number of elements in Samples matrix
uint32 samples // Byte offset from start of file
uint32 samples_offset // Number of bases in Bases matrix
uint32 bases // OBSOLETE: No. bases in left clip (vector)
uint32 bases_left_clip // OBSOLETE: No. bases in right clip (qual)
uint32 bases_right_clip // Byte offset from start of file
uint32 bases_offset // Number of bytes in Comment section
uint32 comments_size // Byte offset from start of file
uint32 comments_offset // "version.revision", eg '3' '.' '0' '0'
char version[4]
uint32 sample_size
uint32 code_set
uint32 private_size
uint32 private_offset
uint32 spare[18]EndStructureStructure SequenceEntry
uint32 peak_index
uchar prob_A
uchar prob_C
uchar prob_G
uchar prob_T
char base
uchar prob_sub
uchar prob_ins
uchar prob_del
EndStructureFunction ReadSCFHeader()variable refNum, iOpen/D/R/F="Chromatograms:.scf" refNum
if(strlen(S_fileName) == 0)return0endifOpen/R refNum as S_fileName
Struct SCFHeader header
string magicString = "1234"variable bigEndian
FBinRead refNum, magicString
if(StringMatch(magicString, ".scf") == 1)// the format is big endian
bigEndian = 1else
bigEndian = 0endifFSetPos refNum, 0if(bigEndian == 1)// big-endianFBinRead/B=2 refNum, header
elseFBinRead/B=3 refNum, header
endifif(header.sample_size != 2)Close refNum
Abort"The sample size is not 2"endifMake/W/O/N=(header.samples) ChromatogramA, ChromatogramC, ChromatogramG, ChromatogramT
FSetPos refNum, header.samples_offset
// read the raw chromatogram dataif(bigEndian == 1)FBinRead/B=2 refNum, ChromatogramA
FBinRead/B=2 refNum, ChromatogramC
FBinRead/B=2 refNum, ChromatogramG
FBinRead/B=2 refNum, ChromatogramT
elseFBinRead/B=3 refNum, ChromatogramA
FBinRead/B=3 refNum, ChromatogramC
FBinRead/B=3 refNum, ChromatogramG
FBinRead/B=3 refNum, ChromatogramT
ConvertSamplesToAbsoluteValues(ChromatogramT)// read the base assignmentsMake/T/O/N=(header.bases) BaseAssignments
Make/O/N=(header.bases) BasePositions
Struct SequenceEntry sequence
FSetPos refNum, header.bases_offset
for(i = 0; i< header.bases; i+=1)if(bigEndian == 1)FBinRead/B=2 refNum, sequence
elseFBinRead/B=3 refNum, sequence
BaseAssignments[i] = GetMostLikelyBase(sequence)
BasePositions[i] = sequence.peak_index
endforClose refNum
// Display the chromatogramDoWindow/F ChromatogramViewer
if(V_flag != 1)Display/N=ChromatogramViewer as "Chromatogram"AppendToGraph ChromatogramA, ChromatogramC, ChromatogramT, ChromatogramG
ModifyGraph rgb(ChromatogramA)=(0,65535,0),rgb(ChromatogramC)=(0,0,65535);DelayUpdateModifyGraph rgb(ChromatogramG)=(0,0,0)endifEndFunction ConvertSamplesToAbsoluteValues(samples)wave samples
variablei, p_sample = 0variable nSamples = DimSize(samples, 0)for(i=0; i< nSamples ;i+=1)
samples[i] = samples[i] + p_sample
p_sample = samples[i]endfor
p_sample = 0for(i=0; i< nSamples ;i+=1)
samples[i] = samples[i] + p_sample
p_sample = samples[i]endforEndFunction/S GetMostLikelyBase(sequence)Struct SequenceEntry &sequence
variable probA, probC, probT, probG
probA = sequence.prob_A
probT = sequence.prob_T
probC = sequence.prob_C
probG = sequence.prob_G
variable highestProbability = max(max(probA, probT), max(probC, probG))if(highestProbability == probA)return"A"elseif(highestProbability == probT)return"T"elseif(highestProbability == probC)return"C"elseif(highestProbability == probG)return"G"endifEnd
Some quick searching revealed that the ABI format specification can be found online. I think you could use that to make your own reader in Igor but it depends on your familiarity with programming.
January 3, 2013 at 09:04 am - Permalink