3D waves and edit

Ok I am a bit rusty I guess.

I have 3D waves and I want to quickly check the values in a table.

"Edit 3D_Wave" shows me the [][][0] plane. How can I quickly change the plane values? I keep getting an "improper column name" error doing things like "Edit 3D_wave[][][1]", but playing around with the .i and .id etc flags doesn't seem to alleviate the problem.


I got a work-around for now, by duplicating the desired plane into a new 2D wave, and then editing that. Would be nice to avoid the duplication step, however, especially as I am often running my laptop up to memory limitations.

look for layer like symbols with arrows up and down in the top right corner of your table; there you can switch between layers.
ChrLie wrote:
look for layer like symbols with arrows up and down in the top right corner of your table; there you can switch between layers.

Oh would ya look at that. Very nice, how did I miss that.

johnweeks wrote:
Edit 3D_Wave
ModifyTable elements(3D_Wave)=(-2, -3, desired layer)

John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.

Perfect. Thank you, John.