Text Editing Tools: A Compendium of User Contributions

TextEditTools.ipf compiles a collection of utilities for text editing that have been shared in this forum.

Revisions and additions can be posted here by any user.

Note: Works with Igor Pro version 9. If you want to use this code with Igor 8, please update to a recent nightly build (Select Igor Pro Nightly Builds... from the Help menu).

TextEditTools version 1.8 (8.41 KB)

Awesome. Thank you for putting this together.

EDIT: For users who a curious about the contents, here is a list of the snippets/code currently contained within the compilation:

Prettify code:


Wrap procedure comments:


Transpose paste:


Align comments:


If somebody has an useful piece of code for working with text, clipboard contents or procedures please let us know.

Version 1.8 fixes two problems with the prettify code:

Avoid splitting words on ".", prevents replacement of structure element names.

Accept an optional "static" preceding proc picture code when deciding which blocks of code to mask.




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