Sort after DimLabels

This snippet sorts columns or rows of a 2D wave after dimension labels in either Dim=0 or Dim=1. Should also work for 1D waves in Dim 0.
function SortDIML(wave w, int dim [, int rev]) if(dim != 0 && dim != 1) return -1 endif if(dim) MatrixTranspose w endif // make index wave(s) with DimLabels to sort after variable nPnts = DimSize(w, 0) Make/FREE/T/N=(nPnts,2) idxt idxt[][0] = GetDimLabel(w, 0,p) idxt[][1] = num2str(p) // normal or reverse sort? if(!ParamIsDefault(rev) && rev !=0) sortcolumns/R/kndx={0} sortwaves={idxt} else sortcolumns/kndx={0} sortwaves={idxt} endif Make/FREE/N=(nPnts) idx, order = str2num(idxt[p][1]) MakeIndex order, idx // insert idx column, sort and delete again Insertpoints/M=1 0, 1, w MultiThread w[][0] = idx Sortcolumns/DIML/kndx={0} sortwaves={w} Deletepoints/M=1 0, 1, w if(dim) MatrixTranspose w endif return 1 end // Example: Make/O/N=(3,3) w=p+q SetDimlabel 1, 0, run3, w SetDimlabel 1, 1, run1, w SetDimlabel 1, 2, run2, w edit w.ld SortDIML(w,1)



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