Sine integral (two routines)

#pragma rtGlobals=1 // Use modern global access method. // Calculate the sine integral based on formulas from Abramowitz and Stegun. // See equations 5.2.14 and 5.2.38 and 5.2.39. Si(x)=Integral from 0 to x of sin(x')/x'. // Peak relative error is approximately 5e-7. This routine is approximately 10x faster // than the higher precision routine below. // Tested using IgorPro 6.02 in a Windows XP box. // Version 11-30-07-01 C. DeJoseph, Jr. function Si(xin) variable xin variable x2,ff,gg,c8,c9,tt,t,i variable p2=1.57079632679489 variable term1,term2 x2=xin*xin if(x2>=3.8) term1=38.102495+x2*(335.677320+x2*(265.187033+x2*(38.027264+x2))) term2=xin*(157.105423+x2*(570.236280+x2*(322.624911+x2*(40.021433+x2)))) ff=term1/term2 term1=21.821899+x2*(352.018498+x2*(302.757865+x2*(42.242855+x2))) term2=x2*(449.690326+x2*(1114.978885+x2*(482.485984+x2*(48.196927+x2)))) gg=term1/term2 return p2*sign(xin)-ff*cos(xin)-gg*sin(xin) else c8=1. c9=1. tt=xin t=0 i=1 do t=t+tt/(c8*c9) tt=-tt*x2 c8=2.*i+1. c9=c9*c8*2.*i i+=1 while(i<7) return t endif end // High precision version of the sine integral based on direct numerical integration // of the sinc function. Si(x)=Integral from 0 to x of sin(x')/x'. The integration uses // gaussian quadrature. Peak relative error is approximately 2e-15 and speed is // about 10% of the lower precision routine above. // Tested using IgorPro 6.02 in a Windows XP box. // Version 11-30-07-01 C. DeJoseph, Jr. function Si_hp(xin) variable xin return integrate1D(specialsinc, 0., xin,2) end function specialsinc(xin) variable xin return sinc(xin) end



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