Scatter Plot with Marginal Histogram

Function ScatterAndMarginals(XData,YData) Wave XData,YData Display YData vs XData Make /o/n=25 XHist,YHist // Create histogram waves. GetAxis /Q bottom // Get the limits of the data based on the axis limits. Use this SetScale x,V_min,V_max,XHist // Use these limits to set the limit of the histogram. Histogram /B=2 XData,XHist // Build this histogram. AppendToGraph/R=XHistAxis XHist // Plot the histogram. GetAxis /Q left SetScale x,V_min,V_max,YHist Histogram /B=2 YData,YHist AppendToGraph/VERT/T=YHistAxis YHist // A bunch of stuff to align the axes and make things look nice. String yDataName=NameOfWave(YData) ModifyGraph mode($yDataName)=2,mode(XHist)=5,mode(YHist)=5 ModifyGraph lSize($yDataName)=2 ModifyGraph noLabel(XHistAxis)=2,noLabel(YHistAxis)=2 ModifyGraph axThick(XHistAxis)=0,axThick(YHistAxis)=0 ModifyGraph freePos(XHistAxis)={0.2,kwFraction} ModifyGraph freePos(YHistAxis)={0.2,kwFraction} ModifyGraph axisEnab(left)={0,0.8},axisEnab(bottom)={0,0.8} ModifyGraph axisEnab(XHistAxis)={0.8,1},axisEnab(YHistAxis)={0.8,1} End



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