Remove Non-printable Characters From a String
This snippet demonstrates how to remove non-printable characters from an Igor string. This was prompted by a question in the forum. See the Working With Binary String Data Examples snippet for similar examples.
Igor Pro 9.00B08 introduced new features that make this process much faster, but the transformation can also be done using earlier versions of Igor. If your code only needs to run with Igor Pro 9, you only need the RemoveNonPrintableChars_IP9 function below. Otherwise I recommend that you include both functions and only directly call RemoveNonPrintableChars() so that when your code runs with Igor Pro 9 or later the faster function will automatically be used.
// Store the bytes of the string in a byte wave so we can
// use wave related commands.
Variable len = strlen(inStr)
Make/FREE/B/U/N=(len) byteWave
byteWave = char2num(inStr[p])
// Set all non-printable characters to 0 (null)
// The test below considers tab (9), line feed (10), and carriage return (13)
// to be printable characters.
MultiThread byteWave = (byteWave[p] >= 32 && byteWave[p] <= 126) || (byteWave[p] == 9 || byteWave[p] == 10 || byteWave[p] == 13) ? byteWave[p] : 0
// Extract the non-null values from the wave. These are the printable characters.
Extract/O/FREE/B/U byteWave, printableByteWave, byteWave[p] > 0
// Convert the wave's data back to a string.
Variable np = numpnts(printableByteWave)
String outStr = ""
outStr = PadString(outStr, np, 0)
Variable n
For (n=0; n < np; n++)
outStr[n,n] = num2char(printableByteWave[n])
return outStr
#if IgorVersion() >= 9
Function/S RemoveNonPrintableChars_IP9(String inStr)
// Store the bytes of the string in a byte wave so we can
// use wave related commands.
WAVE/B/U byteWave = StringToUnsignedByteWave(inStr)
// Set all non-printable characters to 0 (null)
// The test below considers tab (9), line feed (10), and carriage return (13)
// to be printable characters.
MultiThread byteWave = (byteWave[p] >= 32 && byteWave[p] <= 126) || (byteWave[p] == 9 || byteWave[p] == 10 || byteWave[p] == 13) ? byteWave[p] : 0
WaveTransform zapZeros, byteWave // Remove all of the nulls from the wave
String outStr = WaveDataToString(byteWave) // Convert the bytes in the wave back into a string.
return outStr
#endif // IP9+
Function/S RemoveNonPrintableChars(String inStr)
#if IgorVersion() >= 9
return RemoveNonPrintableChars_IP9(inStr) // MUCH faster
return RemoveNonPrintableChars_IP8(inStr)
You can execute this test function to compare the performance between the IP8 and IP9 versions of the function.
Variable n
Variable numTrials = 100
Variable testStringLength = 1e5 // length of test string in bytes
// Generate a test string that contains random bytes.
String testString = ""
testString = PadString(testString, testStringLength, 0)
For (n=0; n < testStringLength; n++)
testString[n,n] = num2char(trunc(abs(enoise(255))), 1)
String outStr_IP8
Variable aStart = StopMSTimer(-2)
For (n=0; n < numTrials; n++)
outStr_IP8 = RemoveNonPrintableChars_IP8(testString)
Variable aStop = StopMSTimer(-2)
Variable usingIP9OrLater = 0 // assume not using IP9 or later
#if IgorVersion() >= 9
String outStr_IP9
Variable bStart = StopMSTimer(-2)
For (n=0; n < numTrials; n++)
outStr_IP9 = RemoveNonPrintableChars_IP9(testString)
Variable bStop = StopMSTimer(-2)
// Make sure that the two methods give the same result.
if (CmpStr(outStr_IP8, outStr_IP9, 2) == 0)
print "The two methods give the exact same result."
print "WARNING: The two methods give different results."
printf "RemoveNonPrintableChars_IP8: %g s RemoveNonPrintableChars_IP9: %g s %d trials.\r", (aStop-aStart)/1e6, (bStop-bStart)/1e6, numTrials
printf "RemoveNonPrintableChars_IP8: %g s %d trials.\r", (aStop-aStart)/1e6, numTrials
Here is what I get using Igor Pro 9.00B08:
The two methods give the exact same result.
RemoveNonPrintableChars_IP8: 3.93585 s RemoveNonPrintableChars_IP9: 0.207991 s 100 trials.
Igor Pro 9
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