Putting pixel values on an image

I wrote this snippet to generate images for teaching. I wanted to show the effect of matrix convolution on images. To understand this, it helps to see the pixel values before and after convolution.
// This procedure will take an image and make a new image with the pixel values overlaid. // It offers the result to be saved as a PDF. // It is intended for small grayscale images. /// @param m0 2D matrix (image) to be represented as pixel values Function SavePixelValue(m0) Wave m0 // check input wave if(DimSize(m0,2) > 1 || DimSize(m0,3) > 1) DoAlert 0, "Grayscale images only." return -1 elseif(WaveType(m0) != 72) DoAlert 0, "8-bit images only." return -1 endif Variable matsize = numpnts(m0) Duplicate/O m0, pixelValImg,pixelValWave String ValWinName = "vl_" + NameOfWave(m0) KillWindow/Z $ValWinName NewImage/N=$ValWinName/S=0 m0 String m0Name = NameOfWave(m0) String textName,labelValStr Redimension/N=(matsize) pixelValWave Variable offset = x2pnt(m0, 0) Variable i for(i = 0; i < matsize; i += 1) textName = "text" + num2str(i) labelValStr = num2str(pixelValWave[i]) //Tag/C/N=$textName/F=0/B=1/X=0.00/Y=0.00/L=0/W=$ImgWinName PixelValImg, i-offset, labelValStr if(pixelValWave[i] > (wavemin(m0) + round(0.5 * (wavemax(m0) - wavemin(m0))))) Tag/C/N=$textName/F=0/B=1/X=0.00/Y=0.00/L=0/W=$ValWinName $m0Name, i-offset, labelValStr else Tag/C/N=$textName/F=0/B=1/X=0.00/Y=0.00/L=0/W=$ValWinName/G=(65535,65535,65535) $m0Name, i-offset, labelValStr endif endfor String fileName = NameOfWave(m0) + ".pdf" SavePICT/E=-2 as fileName End



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