print ROI coordinates in 2D image plots using the Marquee tool as input device
Menu "GraphMarquee"
"Print Image ROI"
Function PrintImageROI()
// 1. get the marquee in point units (axis units directly accessible only for 1D graphs!)
// sanity test: let there be exactly one image
String TopGraphImages = ImageNameList("",";")
if( ItemsInList(TopGraphImages) != 1 )
Print "There is either no image or more than one on the graph"
return -1
// sanity test: was there a marquee at all?
if (V_flag == 0)
Print "There is no marquee"
return -1
Variable mpL = V_left, mpR = V_right, mpT = V_top, mpB = V_bottom
// print "marquee in points (left, top, right, bottom) =", mpL, mpT, mpR, mpB
// 2. get the plot area in point units
GetWindow kwTopWin, psize
Variable ppL = V_left, ppR = V_right, ppT = V_top, ppB = V_bottom
// print "plot area in points (left, top, right, bottom) =", ppL, ppT, ppR, ppB
// 3. get the axis limits
// get limits of axes that image is displayed against
String theImage = StringFromList(0, TopGraphImages)
String XAxis = StringByKey( "XAXIS", ImageInfo("", theImage, 0) )
String YAxis = StringByKey( "YAXIS", ImageInfo("", theImage, 0) )
String XAxisLimits = StringFromList(2, StringByKey( "SETAXISCMD", axisinfo("", XAxis) ), " " )
String YAxisLimits = StringFromList(2, StringByKey( "SETAXISCMD", axisinfo("", YAxis) ), " " )
// order left/right correctly, remember whether a swap occurred
Variable axMin = str2num( StringFromList(0, XAxisLimits, ",") ), axMax = str2num( StringFromList(1, XAxisLimits, ",") )
Variable paL = min(axMin, axMax), paR = max(axMin, axMax), xSwap = (paL != axMin)
// order top/bottom correctly, remember whether a swap occurred
axMin = str2num( StringFromList(0, YAxisLimits, ",") ); axMax = str2num( StringFromList(1, YAxisLimits, ",") )
Variable paT = max(axMin, axMax), paB = min(axMin, axMax), ySwap = (paB != axMin)
// print "plot area in axis units (left, top, right, bottom) =", paL, paT, paR, paB; print xSwap, ySwap
// 4. express the marquee coordinates in axis units
Variable maL = paL + (mpL - ppL) * (paR - paL)/(ppR - ppL), maR = paL + (mpR - ppL) * (paR - paL)/(ppR - ppL), swap
if( xSwap )
swap = maL; maL = maR; maR = swap
Variable maT = paT + (mpT - ppT) * (paB - paT)/(ppB - ppT), maB = paT + (mpB - ppT) * (paB - paT)/(ppB - ppT)
if( ySwap )
swap = maT; maT = maB; maB = swap
print "marquee in axis units (left, top, right, bottom) =", maL, maT, maR, maB
"Print Image ROI"
Function PrintImageROI()
// 1. get the marquee in point units (axis units directly accessible only for 1D graphs!)
// sanity test: let there be exactly one image
String TopGraphImages = ImageNameList("",";")
if( ItemsInList(TopGraphImages) != 1 )
Print "There is either no image or more than one on the graph"
return -1
// sanity test: was there a marquee at all?
if (V_flag == 0)
Print "There is no marquee"
return -1
Variable mpL = V_left, mpR = V_right, mpT = V_top, mpB = V_bottom
// print "marquee in points (left, top, right, bottom) =", mpL, mpT, mpR, mpB
// 2. get the plot area in point units
GetWindow kwTopWin, psize
Variable ppL = V_left, ppR = V_right, ppT = V_top, ppB = V_bottom
// print "plot area in points (left, top, right, bottom) =", ppL, ppT, ppR, ppB
// 3. get the axis limits
// get limits of axes that image is displayed against
String theImage = StringFromList(0, TopGraphImages)
String XAxis = StringByKey( "XAXIS", ImageInfo("", theImage, 0) )
String YAxis = StringByKey( "YAXIS", ImageInfo("", theImage, 0) )
String XAxisLimits = StringFromList(2, StringByKey( "SETAXISCMD", axisinfo("", XAxis) ), " " )
String YAxisLimits = StringFromList(2, StringByKey( "SETAXISCMD", axisinfo("", YAxis) ), " " )
// order left/right correctly, remember whether a swap occurred
Variable axMin = str2num( StringFromList(0, XAxisLimits, ",") ), axMax = str2num( StringFromList(1, XAxisLimits, ",") )
Variable paL = min(axMin, axMax), paR = max(axMin, axMax), xSwap = (paL != axMin)
// order top/bottom correctly, remember whether a swap occurred
axMin = str2num( StringFromList(0, YAxisLimits, ",") ); axMax = str2num( StringFromList(1, YAxisLimits, ",") )
Variable paT = max(axMin, axMax), paB = min(axMin, axMax), ySwap = (paB != axMin)
// print "plot area in axis units (left, top, right, bottom) =", paL, paT, paR, paB; print xSwap, ySwap
// 4. express the marquee coordinates in axis units
Variable maL = paL + (mpL - ppL) * (paR - paL)/(ppR - ppL), maR = paL + (mpR - ppL) * (paR - paL)/(ppR - ppL), swap
if( xSwap )
swap = maL; maL = maR; maR = swap
Variable maT = paT + (mpT - ppT) * (paB - paT)/(ppB - ppT), maB = paT + (mpB - ppT) * (paB - paT)/(ppB - ppT)
if( ySwap )
swap = maT; maT = maB; maB = swap
print "marquee in axis units (left, top, right, bottom) =", maL, maT, maR, maB
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Thanks a lot for writing this, it was just what I was looking for. I do have a slight amendment to make though. Where you get the axis limits from the "SETAXISCMD", if the image axes are set to auto the returned string i.e. XAxisLimits is "" and the returned marquee values are NaN. I have made the following changes to avoid this:
String YAxisLimits = StringFromList(2, StringByKey( "SETAXISCMD", axisinfo("", YAxis) ), " " )
// order left/right correctly, remember whether a swap occurred
Variable axMin, axMax
if ( strlen(XAxisLimits) == 0 ) // i.e. SetAxis/A bottom
axMin = DimOffset($theImage,0) - ( DimDelta($theImage,0) / 2 )
axMax = axMin + DimDelta($theImage,0)*DimSize($theImage,0)
axMin = str2num( StringFromList(0, XAxisLimits, ",") )
axMax = str2num( StringFromList(1, XAxisLimits, ",") )
Variable paL = min(axMin, axMax), paR = max(axMin, axMax), xSwap = (paL != axMin)
// order top/bottom correctly, remember whether a swap occurred
if ( strlen(YAxisLimits) == 0 ) // i.e. SetAxis/A left
axMin = DimOffset($theImage,1) - ( DimDelta($theImage,1) / 2 )
axMax = axMin + DimDelta($theImage,1)*DimSize($theImage,1)
axMin = str2num( StringFromList(0, YAxisLimits, ",") )
axMax = str2num( StringFromList(1, YAxisLimits, ",") )
Variable paT = max(axMin, axMax), paB = min(axMin, axMax), ySwap = (paB != axMin)
// print "plot area in axis units (left, top, right, bottom) =", paL, paT, paR, paB; print xSwap, ySwap
May 29, 2012 at 09:51 am - Permalink