Pie Chart Graph Markers

Snippet to make simple pie-chart graph markers on an XY plot. Drawing is based on WM's PieChart package.
Data preparation:
- Requires x and y data as 1D waves.
- Pie content is a 2D fraction/percentage wave with n columns, and the same number of rows as x and y data waves. The n values along a row are scaled, and, if non-zero, drawn as pie segments.
- Colors need to be supplied by a predefined 2D RGB color wave with n rows.
- x and y data are plotted along standard "bottom" and "left" axes, drawn from 0-100%
- Both axes are in standard orientation, i.e. values increase away from the origin
- Probably others that have not been tested explicitly
Note that changing data, the graphs aspect ratio or axes ranges requires re-execution of the snippet.
// make dummy data Make/O xx = {1,3,6,8} Make/O yy = {-2,5,7,9} Make/O zz = {{75,50,20,5},{25,35,50,50},{0,15,15,15},{0,0,15,30}} Make/O W_color = {{49151,26205,65535,16885},{53155,52428,43690,16388},{65535,1,0,65535}} // call snippet PlotPieMarkers(yy, xx, zz, W_color, 0.04, "PieSymbols")
// some constants to tweak appearance static constant kPieLineThickness = 0.8 // wedge line thickness static constant kMaxFrac = 1 // 1 for full circle static constant kcClockWise = 1 // wedge order direction static constant kAngle0 = 0 // start angle static constant kSmoothFactor = 100 // Polygon roundness factor static strconstant kLayer = "ProgFront" // active layer for pies function PlotPieMarkers(wave yy, wave xx, wave PieContentWave, wave colorWave, variable radius, string graphName) // create graph if it doesn't exist DoWindow/F $Graphname if(!V_flag) Display/N=$Graphname yy vs xx Setaxis/A/N=2 ModifyGraph mode=2,rgb=(65535,65535,65535) endif // clear pie layer SetDrawLayer/W=$GraphName/K $klayer // scale xx and yy data to "plot relative" drawing coordinates // avoids trouble with axes scaling and distortion Duplicate/FREE yy, yyScaled DoUpdate // make sure GetAxis catches correct values GetAxis/Q/W=$GraphName left yyScaled = 1 - (yy-V_min)/(V_max-V_min) Duplicate/FREE xx, xxScaled GetAxis/Q/W= $GraphName bottom xxScaled = (xx-V_Min)/(V_max - V_min) // draw point by point variable i, nPoints = DimSize(PieContentWave, 0) for(i=0; i<nPoints; i++) MatrixOP/O/FREE PointPieData = row(PieContentWave,i)^t DrawPieSymbol(GraphName, xxScaled[i], yyScaled[i], radius, PointPieData, colorWave) endfor // revert to default layer SetDrawLayer/W=$GraphName UserFront end function DrawPieSymbol(string win, variable xOrigin, variable yOrigin, variable radius, wave dataWave, wave colorWave) // based on WM's PieChart.ipf and function TwoDPieChart(win, pieInfo) Variable total, EndFrac Variable StartAngle, EndAngle, NumWedges Variable i=0,j,n Variable xi, yi variable x0, y0 Variable angle // get aspect ratio, lock it and define horizontal or vertical scaling variable AspectRatio, hScale=1, vScale=1 GetWindow $win psize AspectRatio = (V_right - V_left)/(V_bottom-V_top) ModifyGraph width = {Aspect,AspectRatio} vScale = AspectRatio // make cumulate fraction wave, starts at 0 Duplicate/O/FREE DataWave, FracWave NumWedges=numpnts(FracWave) FracWave[1,NumWedges-1] = FracWave[p-1] + FracWave[p] total = FracWave[NumWedges-1] FracWave = FracWave/total*kmaxFrac InsertPoints 0,1,FracWave // group all wedges at given x,y SetDrawEnv/W=$win gstart do // calculate polygon coordinates StartAngle = 2*pi*FracWave[i] EndAngle = 2*pi*FracWave[i+1] if(kcClockWise) // if (ccw) StartAngle = -StartAngle EndAngle= -EndAngle endif StartAngle += kangle0 EndAngle += kangle0 n= ceil(max(1,abs(EndAngle-StartAngle)*(kSmoothFactor/pi))) // first point on the outer arc x0= radius*cos(StartAngle) y0= radius*sin(StartAngle) // prepare draw environment SetDrawLayer/W=$win $klayer SetDrawEnv/W=$win xcoord = prel, ycoord = prel SetDrawEnv/W=$win linefgc= (0,0,0),linethick= kPieLineThickness, fillfgc= (colorWave[i][0],colorWave[i][1],colorWave[i][2]) // draw polygons DrawPoly/W=$win/ABS xOrigin, yOrigin, hScale, vScale, {0,0,x0,y0} // first and second points for(j=1; j<=n; j+=1) angle = startAngle + j * (EndAngle-StartAngle) / n x0= radius*cos(angle) y0= radius*sin(angle) DrawPoly/W=$win /A {x0,y0} endfor DrawPoly/W=$win/A {0,0} // stop drawing when kMaxFrac is reached i+=1 while(FracWave[i]< kMaxFrac) SetDrawEnv/W=$win gstop end



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