Parse Time String

3:20:05 AM
3:45:00 PM
If you have a date-time string and wish to parse it into seconds, use the Parse Date,Time and Date/Time Strings snippet.
To represent midnight (the beginning of a day), use
or 12:00:00 AM
. Using 24:00:00
to represent midnight will not produce any kind of error, however the function will return 86400 seconds, which is probably not the result you expect.//** // Convert a formatted time string into a number // of seconds. The function returns -1 if there // was an error. //* Function Time2Secs(timeString) String timeString // NOTE: timeString is assumed to be a colon-separated // string as hours:minutes:seconds PM where // the PM may also be AM or may be omitted. // Leading zeros are allowed but not required for each // of the three digit groups. // The space between the seconds digits and the // AM or PM is optional. If neither AM nor PM is // found, the time will be assumed to already be in // 24-hour format. The case of AM and PM does not matter. // The range of the digits is not checked. Variable hours, minutes, seconds String ampmStr = "" sscanf timeString, "%u:%u:%u%s", hours, minutes, seconds, ampmStr if (V_flag < 3) print "Error in Time2Secs: could not successfully parse the time." return -1 elseif (V_flag == 4) // Determine whether AM or PM or something bogus // was used. if (cmpstr(" ", ampmStr[0]) == 0) // Get rid of the leading space. ampmStr = ampmStr[1, strlen(ampmStr) - 1] endif // Test that ampmStr is now either "AM" or "PM" // (case insensitive). If not, then it's a bogus string. ampmStr = UpperStr(ampmStr) StrSwitch (ampmStr) Case "AM": // Compensate for the fact that, eg., 12:30:30 AM is // only 30 minutes and 30 seconds past midnight (the // beginning of the day), and not 12 hours 30 minutes // and 30 seconds. if (hours == 12) hours -= 12 endif break Case "PM": // Compensate for the fact that, eg., 12:30:30 PM is // only 30 minutes and 30 seconds past noon, which // is 12 hours past midnight (the beginning of the day), // and not 24 hours 30 minutes and 30 seconds. if (hours == 12) // Don't need to do anything. else hours += 12 endif break default: // It's bogus, report error to user. print "Error in Time2Secs: Could not parse AM/PM string." return -1 EndSwitch endif // Do the conversion into seconds. seconds += (minutes * 60) + (hours * 60 * 60) return seconds End
Note: Edited on June 29, 2010 to give correct results with time strings such as "12:30:30 AM" and "12:30:30 PM".



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