Panel Size Menus

It makes the controls bigger or smaller, too.
It unfortunately does this by killing and recreating the window, so don't be surprised when the window goes away.
#pragma TextEncoding = "UTF-8" #pragma rtGlobals=3 // Use modern global access method and strict wave access. #pragma ModuleName=PanelSizes #pragma version=7 // circa Igor 7 #if IgorVersion() >= 7 Menu "Panel", dynamic "-" Submenu "Size" "Make Panel Bigger",/Q, PanelSizes#MakeTopPanelBigger() "Make Panel Smaller",/Q, PanelSizes#MakeTopPanelSmaller() "Make Panel Normal Size",/Q, PanelSizes#MakeTopPanelNormal() "\\M1:(:Panel Resolution = "+num2str(PanelResolution(WinName(0,64))) "\\M1:(:Screen Resolution = "+num2str(ScreenResolution) End "-" End #endif static Function MakeTopPanelBigger() String panel= WinName(0,64) if( strlen(panel) ) Variable currentRes= PanelResolution(panel) Variable newRes= BiggerResolution(currentRes) String newCode= RewritePanelCodeResolution(panel, newRes) KillWindow/Z $panel Execute/Q/Z newCode DoIgorMenu "Control", "Retrieve Window" endif End static Function MakeTopPanelSmaller() String panel= WinName(0,64) if( strlen(panel) ) Variable currentRes= PanelResolution(panel) Variable newRes= SmallerResolution(currentRes) String newCode= RewritePanelCodeResolution(panel, newRes) KillWindow/Z $panel Execute/Q/Z newCode endif End static Function MakeTopPanelNormal() String panel= WinName(0,64) if( strlen(panel) ) Variable newRes= 1 // This is the default setting in effect when Igor starts. String newCode= RewritePanelCodeResolution(panel, newRes) KillWindow/Z $panel Execute/Q/Z newCode DoIgorMenu "Control", "Retrieve Window" endif End static StrConstant ksResolutions= "72;96;120;144;192;240;288;384;480;" static Function BiggerResolution(currentRes) Variable currentRes Variable nextRes= ActualResolution(currentRes) String strRes= num2istr(nextRes) Variable whichOne = WhichListItem(strRes, ksResolutions) Variable numItems= ItemsInList(ksResolutions) if( whichOne >= 0 && whichOne < numItems-1) nextRes = str2num(StringFromList(whichOne+1, ksResolutions)) else nextRes = str2num(StringFromList(numItems-1, ksResolutions)) endif return nextRes End static Function SmallerResolution(currentRes) Variable currentRes Variable nextRes= ActualResolution(currentRes) String strRes= num2istr(nextRes) Variable whichOne = WhichListItem(strRes, ksResolutions) if( whichOne > 0 ) nextRes = str2num(StringFromList(whichOne-1, ksResolutions)) else nextRes = 72 endif return nextRes End static Function ActualResolution(currentRes) Variable currentRes Variable actualRes= currentRes Variable screenRes= ScreenResolution // On Macintosh this was always 72 before Retina displays. On Windows it is usually 96 (small fonts) or 120 (large fonts). if( actualRes == 0 ) // points actualRes = screenRes elseif( actualRes == 1 ) if( screenRes == 96 ) actualRes = 72 else actualRes = screenRes endif endif return actualRes End static Function/S RewritePanelCodeResolution(panel, newRes) String panel Variable newRes String code= WinRecreation(panel, 4) Wave/T tw = ListToTextWave(code, "\r") // insert three lines of code before line 2 (line 0 is Macro... and line 1 is PauseUpdate...) InsertPoints 2,3, tw tw[2]= " SetIgorOption PanelResolution=?" tw[3]= " Variable oldResolution = V_Flag" tw[4]= " SetIgorOption PanelResolution="+num2istr(newRes) Variable lines= numpnts(tw) // insert SetIgorOption PanelResolution=oldResolution // before EndMacro (line lines-1) InsertPoints lines-1, 1, tw tw[lines-1]= " SetIgorOption PanelResolution=oldResolution" // convert back to code String list wfprintf list, "%s\r", tw return list End



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