Numerical integration with Gaussian Quadrature

#pragma rtGlobals=3 // Use modern global access method and strict wave access. //Perform Gaussian Quadrature Integration of a given function. //This is slightly different to the inbuilt Integrate1D in that one can pass in a wave containing wave references as extra input //to the function to be integrated! //The function to be integrated can also be threadsafe to speed up calculation. //There is also a threadsafe version of the integration code (integrate1D is not threadsafe). In this case the function to be integrated also needs to be threadsafe. //Lookup tables are used to store commonly used values of the Gauss-Legendre nodes. //The GaussLegendre node calculation is based on code from the NIST SANS macros, which was originally based on code from //Numerical recipes. //Type test() for a quick test of the code. //Written by Andrew Nelson July 2013 Function GQIntegrate1D(fcn, min_x, max_x, w, N, [tol, rtol, adaptive, startiter]) //a function for performing Gaussian Quadrature integration with a set order of quadrature points //INPUT //fcn - the function to be integrated. Has the signature: // Function fcn(w, y, x) // wave/wave w // wave y, x // y = f(x) // End // If the function is declared threadsafe, then the integration is done in a parallel manner. The function is written // in much the same manner as an all-at-once fit function. i.e. All the abscissa (xpoints) are passed in at once, and the function // is supposed to populate all the y values at once. //min_x - the lower limit for the integration //max_x - the upper limit for the integration //w - wave containing wave references to pass into the function fcn. Use this to pass data into your function //N - number of quadrature points to be used. If the adaptive variable is set then this is the maximum order examined. // //OPTIONAL (for adaptive quadrature) // NOTE: adaptive quadrature will only take place if the adaptive variable is set to non-zero. //tol - the Iteration stops when the error between successive iterates is less than tol OR the relative change is less than rtol. default = 1e-13 //rtol - the Iteration stops when the error between successive iterates is less than tol OR the relative change is less than rtol. //startiter - starting order for adaptive gaussian quadrature. Default = 5 //adaptive - Specify this variable to non-zero if you wish to do adaptive quadrature. string fcn Variable min_x, max_x Wave w Variable N, tol, rtol, adaptive, startiter // local variables variable ii, jj, va, vb, isthreadsafe, NORD, err, val, maxiter string info = "", funcname = "", fri = "" if(paramisdefault(tol)) tol = 1.e-13 endif if(paramisdefault(rtol)) rtol = 1.49e-08 endif if(paramisdefault(startiter)) startiter = 5 endif if(adaptive == 0) maxiter = N startiter = N make/free/n=(maxiter - startiter + 1)/d W_gaussQuad else maxiter = N make/o/n=(maxiter - startiter + 1)/d W_gaussQuad W_gaussQuad = NaN endif funcname = fcn info = functioninfo(funcname) isthreadsafe = stringmatch(stringbykey("THREADSAFE", info), "YES") //limits of integration are input to function va = min_x vb = max_x for(NORD = startiter, jj = 0 ; NORD <= maxiter ; NORD += 1, jj += 1) //calculate the Gauss Legendre abscissae and weights Wave GLpoints = gauss_legendre_tbl(NORD) //place to put evaluated data and x point to be evaluated make/n=(NORD)/d/free yy, zi yy = 0 // calculate Gauss points on integration interval (q-value for evaluation) Multithread zi[] = ( GLpoints[p][0] * (vb - va) + vb + va ) / 2.0 //evaluate function at all the points if(isthreadsafe) Funcref TGaussQuad_proto cfcn = $fcn fri = funcrefinfo(cfcn) if(numberbykey("ISPROTO", fri) == 0) cfcn(w, yy, zi) else print "Function does not satisfy the signature:" print " Threadsafe Function TGaussQuad_proto(w, y, x)" return NaN endif else Funcref GaussQuad_proto cfcn1 = $fcn fri = funcrefinfo(cfcn1) if(numberbykey("ISPROTO", fri) == 0) cfcn1(w, yy, zi) else print "Function does not satisfy the signature:" print "Function GaussQuad_proto(w, y, x)" return NaN endif endif //multiply by weights to calculate partial sum Multithread yy[] *= GLpoints[p][1] W_gaussQuad[jj] = (vb - va) / 2.0 * sum(yy) val = W_gaussQuad[jj] if(jj) err = abs(val - W_gaussQuad[jj - 1]) if(err < tol || err < rtol * abs(val)) break endif endif endfor //calculate value to return return val End Threadsafe Function TGQIntegrate1D(fcn, min_x, max_x, w, N, [tol, rtol, adaptive, startiter]) //a threadsafe function for performing Gaussian Quadrature integration with a set order of quadrature points //INPUT //fcn - the function to be integrated. Has the signature: // Threadsafe Function fcn(w, y, x) // wave/wave w // wave y, x // y = f(x) // End //min_x - the lower limit for the integration //max_x - the upper limit for the integration //w - wave containing wave references to pass into the function fcn. Use this to pass data into your function //N - number of quadrature points to be used. If the adaptive variable is set then this is the maximum order examined. // //OPTIONAL (for adaptive quadrature) // NOTE: adaptive quadrature will only take place if the adaptive variable is set to non-zero. //tol - the Iteration stops when the error between successive iterates is less than tol OR the relative change is less than rtol. default = 1e-13 //rtol - the Iteration stops when the error between successive iterates is less than tol OR the relative change is less than rtol. //startiter - starting order for adaptive gaussian quadrature. Default = 5 //adaptive - Specify this variable to non-zero if you wish to do adaptive quadrature. string fcn Variable min_x, max_x Wave w Variable N, tol, rtol, adaptive, startiter // local variables variable ii, jj, va, vb, isthreadsafe, NORD, err, val, maxiter string info = "", funcname = "", fri = "" if(paramisdefault(tol)) tol = 1.e-13 endif if(paramisdefault(rtol)) rtol = 1.49e-08 endif if(paramisdefault(startiter)) startiter = 5 endif if(adaptive == 0) maxiter = N startiter = N make/free/n=(maxiter - startiter + 1)/d W_gaussQuad else maxiter = N make/o/n=(maxiter - startiter + 1)/d W_gaussQuad W_gaussQuad = NaN endif //limits of integration are input to function va = min_x vb = max_x for(NORD = startiter, jj = 0 ; NORD <= maxiter ; NORD += 1, jj += 1) //calculate the Gauss Legendre abscissae and weights Wave GLpoints = gauss_legendre(NORD) //place to put evaluated data and x point to be evaluated make/n=(NORD)/d/free yy, zi // calculate Gauss points on integration interval (q-value for evaluation) Multithread zi[] = ( GLpoints[p][0] * (vb - va) + vb + va ) / 2.0 //evaluate function at each point Funcref TGaussQuad_proto cfcn = $fcn fri = funcrefinfo(cfcn) if(numberbykey("ISPROTO", fri) == 0) cfcn(w, yy, zi) else print "Function does not satisfy the signature:" print " Threadsafe Function TGaussQuad_proto(w, y, x)" return NaN endif //multiply by weights to calculate partial sum Multithread yy[] *= GLpoints[p][1] W_gaussQuad[jj] = (vb - va) / 2.0 * sum(yy) val = W_gaussQuad[jj] if(jj) err = abs(val - W_gaussQuad[jj - 1]) if(err < tol || err < rtol * abs(val)) break endif endif endfor //calculate value to return return val End Function GaussQuad_proto(w, y, x) Wave/wave w Wave y, x print "in GaussQuad_proto function" return Inf end Threadsafe Function TGaussQuad_proto(w, y, x) Wave/wave w wave y, x print "in TGaussQuad_proto function" return Inf end Function/wave gauss_legendre_tbl(N) variable N ///routine from Numerical Recipes to calculate weights and abscissae for // Gauss-Legendre quadrature, over the range (-1, 1) // //Use this function in preference to gauss_legendre. This function creates a lookup table and is faster //to use in the longrun, compared to gauss_legendre which calculates new values each time //INPUT - order for Gauss Legendre (>> 1) // //RETURNS - free wave containing Gauss abscissa (first column) and weights (second column). // The wave has dimensions [N][2] // variable timer = startmstimer variable newsize, original_idx_size if(!datafolderexists("root:packages:GLquad")) DFREF saveDFR = GetDataFolderDFR() newdatafolder/o root:packages newdatafolder/o/s root:packages:GLquad make/n=0/i/u/o idx make/n=(0, 0)/d/o wt = 0, zi = 0 SetDataFolder saveDFR endif Wave wt = root:packages:GLquad:wt Wave zi = root:packages:GLquad:zi Wave idx = root:packages:GLquad:idx findvalue/I=(N)/z idx if(V_Value == -1) //haven't created those values yet original_idx_size = numpnts(idx) if(N > dimsize(wt, 0)) newsize = N else newsize = dimsize(wt, 0) endif redimension/n=(original_idx_size + 1) idx redimension/n=(newsize, original_idx_size + 1) zi, wt Wave vals = gauss_legendre(N) idx[numpnts(idx) - 1] = N zi[0, N - 1][numpnts(idx) - 1] = vals[p][0] wt[0, N - 1][numpnts(idx) - 1] = vals[p][1] // print stopmstimer(timer)/1e6 return vals else make/n=(N, 2)/d/free GLpoints GLpoints[][0] = zi[p][V_Value] GLpoints[][1] = wt[p][V_Value] // print stopmstimer(timer)/1e6 return GLpoints endif End Threadsafe Function/wave gauss_legendre(N) ///routine from Numerical Recipes to calculate weights and abscissae for // Gauss-Legendre quadrature. //Code modified from GaussUtils_v40.ipf, written by Steve Kline @NCNR NIST // //INPUT - order for Gauss Legendre (>> 1) // //RETURNS - free wave containing Gauss abscissa (first column) and weights (second column). // The wave has dimensions [N][2] variable N Variable x1, x2 variable m, jj, ii variable z1, z, xm, xl, pp, p3, p2, p1 Variable eps = 3e-11 make/free/n=(N, 2)/d GLpoints x1 = -1 x2 = 1 m = (N+1)/2 xm = 0.5 * (x2 + x1) xl = 0.5 * (x2 - x1) for (ii = 1; ii <= m; ii += 1) z = cos(pi * (ii - 0.25)/(N + 0.5)) do p1 = 1.0 p2 = 0.0 for (jj = 1;jj <= N;jj += 1) p3 = p2 p2 = p1 p1 = ((2.0 * jj - 1.0) * z * p2 - (jj - 1.0) * p3) / jj endfor pp = N * (z * p1 - p2) / (z * z -1.0) z1 = z z = z1 - p1 / pp while (abs(z - z1) > EPS) GLpoints[ii - 1][0] = xm - xl * z GLpoints[N - ii][0] = xm + xl * z GLpoints[ii - 1][1] = 2.0 * xl / ((1.0 - z * z) * pp * pp) GLpoints[N - ii][1] = GLpoints[ii - 1][1] Endfor return GLpoints End Function test_quadratic(w, y, x) //Lets integrate x^2 Wave/wave w wave y, x y = x^2 End Function test_sine(w, y, x) //Lets integrate x^2 Wave/wave w wave y, x y = sin(1/x) End Function test_sine_IGOR(x) variable x return sin(1/x) End Function test() variable x1, x2, true, err Wave/wave w //quadratic x1 = 0 x2 = 1 print "Integrating x^2 between", x1, "and", x2 print/d GQIntegrate1D("test_quadratic", x1, x2, w, 100) print "with adaptive quadrature" print/d GQIntegrate1D("test_quadratic", x1, x2, w, 100, adaptive = 1, startiter = 3) Wave W_gaussQuad print/d W_gaussQuad //sin(x) x1 = 0.001 x2 = pi / 2 print "Integrating sin(1/x) between", x1, "and", x2 print "IGOR's version" true = integrate1D(test_sine_igor, 0.001, pi/2, 2, 0) print/d true err = GQIntegrate1D("test_sine", x1, x2, w, 100) print/d true - err print "with adaptive quadrature" err = GQIntegrate1D("test_sine", x1, x2, w, 1000, adaptive = 1, startiter = 2) print true - err Wave W_gaussQuad print/d W_gaussQuad End



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