NewImage from DataBrowser selection with scale bar

With this function you can create a NewImage of the wave, which is selected in the DataBrowser. Instead of the normale Igor scale, a Scale bar is inserted, which has a predefined length. You have to define the height or the width of the Newimage. The aspect ratio of this NewImage is determined by the dimdelta and not only by the number of points of each dimension.
v_length_input -> Defines the length of width or height
v_mode -> 0 for the width, 1 for the height
v_bar_length -> How long the scale should be? It will use the dimdelta of the dimensions.
v_pixel_min -> Minimum thickness of the bar. Only used if the Newimage is very flat.
s_color -> String that containts the color scale name, like "Rainbow"
v_reverse -> 0 for normal color scale, 1 for reverse
Example: f_newimage_scalebar(100,0,5,5,"Rainbow",1)
function f_newimage_scalebar(variable v_length_input, variable v_mode, variable v_bar_length, variable v_pixel_min, string s_color, variable v_reverse) if (v_mode!=0&&v_mode!=1) print "Error: Input of v_mode wrong. Choose 0 for fixed width and 1 for fixed height." return 0 endif string s_importwave = getbrowserSelection(0) if (waveexists($s_importwave)==0) print "Error: No wave selected." return 0 endif wave w_importwave=$s_importwave variable v_rows=dimsize(w_importwave,0) variable v_columns=dimsize(w_importwave,1) if (v_columns<=1) print "Error: No multidim. wave selected." return 0 endif variable v_row_offset=dimoffset(w_importwave,0) variable v_row_delta=dimdelta(w_importwave,0) variable v_row_length=(v_rows-1)*v_row_delta variable v_col_offset=dimoffset(w_importwave,1) variable v_col_delta=dimdelta(w_importwave,1) variable v_col_length=(v_columns-1)*v_col_delta variable v_width,v_height switch (v_mode) case 0: v_width=v_length_input v_height=(v_col_length/v_row_length)*v_width break case 1: v_height=v_length_input v_width=(v_row_length/v_col_length)*v_height break endswitch string S_name //name of window of NewImage NewImage/K=1/F w_importwave string s_nameofwave=nameofwave(w_importwave) ModifyImage $s_nameofwave, ctab= {*,*,$s_color,v_reverse} ModifyGraph nticks=0 ModifyGraph margin(left)=10,margin(bottom)=10,margin(right)=10,margin(top)=10 ModifyGraph width=v_width ModifyGraph height=v_height variable v_bar_length_rel=(v_bar_length/v_row_length) variable y_end= 0.95 variable y_start= 0.93 variable y_end_abs=(1-y_end)*v_height variable x_start=0.05 if (x_start>(y_end_abs/v_width)) x_start=(y_end_abs/v_width) endif variable v_x_pixel_min_rel=v_pixel_min/v_width variable v_y_pixel_min_rel=v_pixel_min/v_height variable x_end=x_start+v_bar_length_rel variable v_y_delta_abs=abs(y_end-y_start)*v_height if (y_end>(1-v_y_pixel_min_rel)) y_end=1-v_y_pixel_min_rel y_start=y_end-0.02 endif if (x_start<v_x_pixel_min_rel) x_start=v_x_pixel_min_rel x_end=x_start+v_bar_length_rel endif if (v_y_delta_abs<7) //if not, height to low y_start=y_end-(7/v_height) endif ModifyGraph noLabel=2 SetDrawEnv xcoord= axrel,ycoord= axrel DrawRect x_start,y_start,x_end,y_end end



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