Minimal replacement for Speak XOP

Here's a simple replacement for Mac users. I've tested it with Igor Pro 6.22A under 10.6.8 and 10.7.1. It also works well with the new high-quality international voices in Lion.
#pragma rtGlobals=1 // Use modern global access method. // Speak(text, voice) is a minimal replacement for the old Speak XOP // text is the text to be spoken, embed \r\r to create a pause // voice is a system voice such as Alex, Bruce, Fred, Kathy, Vicki, Victoria, etc. // If voice is empty (""), the default system voice is used; // the default voice can be set in the Speech system preference. // // an example: // Speak("position the cursors on the trace\r\rpress ok when ready", "Vicki") Function Speak(text, voice) String text, voice String phrase = " say \""+ text +"\" using \"" + voice+ "\" " ExecuteScriptText/Z phrase End



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