Identify Point in Matrix Subrange

Make/O/N=(5,5) mat = p + 10*q Display mat[][2] // Display all rows of column 2
In the case of a 2D wave, the Y coordinates for a trace can come from any of the following:
Display mat[][2] // All rows of one column Display mat[1,3][2] // Range of rows of one column Display mat[0,4;2][2] // Range of rows of one column with increment Display mat[2][] // All columns of one row Display mat[2][1,3] // Range of columns of one row Display mat[2][0,4;2] // Range of columns of one row with increment
The X coordinates for a trace can come from any of the above or, in the case of a waveform display, are calculated from the 2D wave's row or column scaling.
The attached experiment demonstrates how to determine the row and column indices of a data point of a subrange display using the included GetMatrixTraceIndices function.
Here is the function itself:
// GetMatrixTraceIndices(graphName, traceName, dataIndex, wantY, matrixRow, matrixColumn) // // traceName is the name of a trace whose X or Y coordinates come from a (matrix) 2D wave. // // dataIndex is the row index (when displaying a column of a matrix) or the column index // (when displaying a column of a matrix) of the matrix element supplying the data // for a point in the trace. This is the value returned by pcsr(<cursor>) when the // specified <cursor> is on the an element of the trace. // // Returns via matrixRow and matrixColumn the indices of the specified point in the matrix. // // The function result is zero if everything went right or non-zero in the event of an error. // // Calling this when the trace in question does not come from a matrix returns -1. // See demo below. Function GetMatrixTraceIndices(graphName, traceName, dataIndex, wantY, matrixRow, matrixColumn) String graphName // Graph name or "" for top graph String traceName // Trace name, e.g. "mat" or "mat#1" Variable wantY // 0 to get indices for X coordinate, 1 to get indices for Y coordinate Variable dataIndex // See explanation above Variable& matrixRow // Output Variable& matrixColumn // Output String info = TraceInfo(graphName, traceName, 0) if (strlen(info) == 0) return -1 // No such trace endif Variable isXY = WaveExists(XWaveRefFromTrace(graphName, traceName)) if (wantY==0 && !isXY) wantY = 1 // This is a waveform plot so X values come from Y wave endif String rangeStr if (wantY) Wave w = TraceNameToWaveRef(graphName, traceName) rangeStr = StringByKey("YRANGE", info) else Wave w = XWaveRefFromTrace(graphName, traceName) rangeStr = StringByKey("XRANGE", info) endif if (WaveDims(w) != 2) return -1 // Not a matrix endif String rowStr, columnStr, temp String regExp = "(\[)(.*)(\])(\[)(.*)(\])" SplitString /E=regExp rangeStr, temp, rowStr, temp, temp, columnStr, temp // Print rowStr, columnStr // For debugging Variable displayingColumn = 1 // True if trace data comes from matrix column, not matrix row if (CmpStr(columnStr,"*") == 0) displayingColumn = 0 // e.g., Display mat[2][*] // Display all columns of row 2 endif if (strsearch(columnStr,",",0) >= 0) displayingColumn = 0 // e.g., Display mat[2][1,3] // Display columns 1 to 3 of row 2 endif if (displayingColumn) // mat[*][<column>], mat[<firstRow>,<lastRow>][<column>] or mat[<firstRow>,<lastRow>;<increment>][<column>] matrixRow = dataIndex matrixColumn = str2num(columnStr) else // !displayingColumn // mat[<row>][*], mat[<row>][<firstColumn>,<lastColumn>] or mat[<row>][<firstColumn>,<lastColumn>;<increment>] matrixRow = str2num(rowStr) matrixColumn = dataIndex endif return 0 End



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