Globbing in Igor Pro

Glob returns the path names of all objects matching pattern as a text wave, where "objects" means waves, global variables, global string and data folders.
- * can match any string of characters not containing :
- ** matches any string of characters containing :
+ root (current folder)
+ folder1
+ subfolder1
- V_flag
- subfolder2
+ folder2
- subfolder1
- subfolder2
glob("root:folder*") //-> {"root:folder1", "root:folder2"} glob("root:**1") //-> {"root:folder1", "root:folder1:subfolder1", "root:folder2:subfolder1"} glob(":**:V_flag") // -> {":folder1:subfolder1:V_flag"}
#pragma rtGlobals=3 // Use modern global access method and strict wave access. #pragma ModuleName = glob #pragma version = 0.1 Function/WAVE glob(pattern) String pattern if(StringMatch(pattern, "root:*")) // absolute path WAVE/T buffer = glob_("root:", pattern[5, inf]) elseif(StringMatch(pattern, ":*")) // relative path (beginning with :) WAVE/T buffer = glob_(":", pattern[1, inf]) else // relative path (others) WAVE/T buffer = glob_("", pattern) buffer = (buffer)[1, inf] // glob_ adds : to represent a relative path endif // glob does not add ending : for folders unless the user adds : if(StringMatch(pattern "*:")) buffer = RemoveEnding(buffer, ":") + ":" endif return buffer End // Returns a text wave containing matched pathnames static Function/WAVE glob_(root, pattern) String root // a relative or absolute pathname as a root String pattern // a maching pattern using * or ** // the root pathname must end with : root = RemoveEnding(root, ":") + ":" Make/FREE/T/N=0 buffer // leaf / inner node of matching algorithm if(ItemsInList(pattern, ":") < 2) // leaf node of matching algorithm // data folder only or not if(StringMatch(pattern, "*:")) Concatenate/T/NP {MatchedFolders(root, RemoveEnding(pattern, ":"))}, buffer else Concatenate/T/NP {MatchedObjects(root, pattern), MatchedFolders(root, pattern)}, buffer endif else // inner node of matching algorithm // refers a parent folder (using ::) or not if(StringMatch(pattern, ":*")) // matching with a parent path root += SelectString(StringMatch(root, "root:"), ":", "") // the root of root: is root: itself Concatenate/T/NP {glob_(root, pattern[1, inf])}, buffer else // matching recursively WAVE/T folders = MatchedFolders(root, StringFromList(0, pattern, ":")) Variable i for(i = 0; i < DimSize(folders, 0); i += 1) Concatenate/T/NP {glob_(folders[i], pattern[strsearch(pattern, ":", 0)+1, inf])}, buffer endfor endif endif // global matching pattern ** is equivalent to *:** if(strsearch(StringFromList(0, pattern, ":"), "**", 0) >= 0) Concatenate/T/NP {glob_(root, ReplaceString("**", pattern, "*:**", 0, 1))}, buffer endif return buffer End static Function/WAVE MatchedFolders(root, pattern) String root, pattern root = RemoveEnding(root, ":") + ":" Make/FREE/T/N=(DataFolderExists(root) ? CountObjects(root, 4) : 0) folders = PossiblyQuoteName(GetIndexedObjName(root, 4, p)) Extract/T/O folders, folders, Match(folders, pattern) folders = root + folders return folders End static Function/WAVE MatchedObjects(root, pattern) String root, pattern root = RemoveEnding(root, ":") + ":" Make/FREE/T/N=(DataFolderExists(root) ? CountObjects(root, 1) : 0) wavs = GetIndexedObjName(root, 1, p) Make/FREE/T/N=(DataFolderExists(root) ? CountObjects(root, 2) : 0) vars = GetIndexedObjName(root, 2, p) Make/FREE/T/N=(DataFolderExists(root) ? CountObjects(root, 3) : 0) strs = GetIndexedObjName(root, 3, p) Make/FREE/T/N=0 objects Concatenate/T/NP {wavs, vars, strs}, objects Extract/T/O objects, objects, Match(objects, pattern) objects = root + objects return objects End static Function Match(str, pattern) String str, pattern // A pattern matches both of normal a name and a free name. // For example, "*1" matches both of "folder1" and "'folder 1'" // // If a pattern is beginning with !, the return value of StringMatch is reveresed. // Because ! has no meaning for the pathname-matching, compare (" " + str) with (" " + pattern) here. if(StringMatch(str, "'*'")) return StringMatch(" " + RemoveEnding(str[1, inf], "'"), " " + pattern) || StringMatch(" " + str, " " + pattern) else return StringMatch(" " + str, " " + pattern) endif End



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