Fit to complex-valued functions

The first function, DoComplexFitMC, is a driver that generates fake data. It includes some code to help you graph the results. This is necessary as the default fitwave created does not separate real and imaginary parts and does not correctly assign x-ranges. The second function, ComplexFitAllAtOnce, is needed to match with the (real-only) expectations of FuncFit. The third function, ComplexFunc, contains the actual complex-valued function. You can easily modify this to fit your own needs.
Function DoComplexFitMC(ndat,a,b,sigma) // driver to demonstrate fit to complex func variable ndat,a,b,sigma // uses Monte Carlo (MC) to create fake data make /c/d/free/n=(ndat) yw make /d/free/n=(2*ndat) sigw make /d/o/n=(2*ndat) ww2=0,yw2 // real waves for real and imag parts of yw, ww variable wmax=30 ww2[0,ndat-1] = p/(ndat-1)*wmax // linear span of frequencies (often would be log...) ww2[ndat, ] = ww2[p-ndat] // these values are not used (dummy placeholders) sigw = sigma // wave of standard deviations make /d/free pars={a,b} // pack true parameters into wave, use for fit, too yw = ComplexFunc(pars,ww2) // noiseless "core" for fit using true a,b yw2[0,ndat-1] = real(yw) yw2[ndat, ] = imag(yw[p-ndat]) // yw20 concatenates real & imaginary responses yw2 += gnoise(sigma) // add noise for fake data (to be fit) FuncFit/NTHR=0/W=2 ComplexFitAllAtOnce pars yw2 /X=ww2 /W=sigw /I=1 /D // does the fit //_______________ graphics stuff__________________________ make /d/o/n=(ndat) yr,yi,w0 // waves for nice plotting w0 = ww2[p] // get first ndat points yr = yw2[p]; yi = yw2[p+ndat] // get real and imag parts make /c/d/free/n=1000 fit_yc make /d/o/n=1000 fit_yr, fit_yi SetScale/I x 0,wmax,"", fit_yi,fit_yr,fit_yc fit_yc = ComplexFunc(pars, x) fit_yr=real(fit_yc); fit_yi = imag(fit_yc) End
Function ComplexFitAllAtOnce(pars,y2,w2) : FitFunc // kluge for complex fits using FuncFit wave pars,y2,w2 variable ndat = numpnts(w2)/2 // break between real and imag data make /c/d/free /n=(ndat) temp = ComplexFunc(pars,w2) // call to complex fit func y2[0,ndat-1] = real(temp); y2[ndat, ] = imag(temp[p-ndat]) // concatenates real & imag End Function /c ComplexFunc(pars,w) wave pars; variable w variable a=pars[0], b=pars[1] // unpack parameter wave variable /c i=cmplx(0,1) // i = sqrt(-1) return exp(i*w*a) / (1-i*w*b) // this is the function we fit! end



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