Find a file along the Windows PATH variable

Tested with IP6.12 on a WinXP machine.
function/S FindFileAlongWindowsPath(fileNameAndExt) string fileNameAndExt string tmpDir = SpecialDirPath("Temporary", 0, 1, 0), tmpFile = "FindFileAlongWindowsPath.txt" string tmpFileWinPath = "\"" + ReplaceString("\\",tmpDir, "\\\\") + tmpFile + "\"" // double "\" escaping imposed by Igor string cmdPattern = "cmd /c \"%s\"", cmd, result variable refnum // 1. Let Windows find the file in the paths present in the PATH variable // We use a trick by employing the "enhanced substitution of FOR variable references" feature. // Documentation of the "FOR /F" command can be found, e.g., at <http://www.pc-ask.com/xp-dos/xp-dos-cmd.html>. // The argument to "@echo" has a leading "." to avoid getting gibberish in case the file is not found. sprintf cmd, cmdPattern, "for /f %Z in (\"" + fileNameAndExt + "\") do @echo .%~$path:Z > " + tmpFileWinPath ExecuteScriptText/B cmd // 2. Read back the result Open refnum as tmpDir+tmpFile // since "Igor currently cannot read from a console application's standard output" FReadLine refnum, result // we wrote the result to a temprorary file and read that in here Close refnum // 3. Clean up temporary file sprintf cmd, cmdPattern, "del " + tmpFileWinPath ExecuteScriptText/B cmd return result[1,strlen(result)-3] // remove leading "." and trailing " \n"; returns empty string if file not found. end



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