Discrete Fourier transform macros from waves in target graph

Prevents you from having to scroll through potentially hundreds of waves before finding the one you want to analyze.
Just make sure the current data folder is set to the location of the wave of interest.
Credit goes to Larry Hutchinson, who developed this for me, but I figured it was useful enough to post.
//#include <DFTMagPhase> must be placed in one of the procedure files to access the macros Macro DFTMagPhaseFromTarget(w,window,fMin,fMax,numout,linlog,phase,phasetype) string w Prompt w,"Input data:",popup WaveList("*",";","WIN:") // only top table or graph variable window=1 Prompt window,"Windowing:",popup "None;Hann" variable fMin=0 Prompt fMin,"Minimum frequency" variable fMax=0 Prompt fMax,"Maximum frequency, or 0 for Nyquist" variable numout=65 // small value recommended. Remember, we're using the DFT, not the FFT Prompt numout,"Number of output points:" variable linlog= 2 Prompt linlog,"Magnitude mode:",popup "Linear;dB" Variable phase= 0.5 Prompt phase,"Phase:",popup "No phase;Phase in radians;Phase in degrees" Variable phasetype=1 Prompt phasetype,"Unwrap phase?",popup,"No;Yes" DFTMagPhase(w,window,fMin,fMax,numout,linlog,phase,phasetype) End Macro DFTAtOneFrequencyFromTarget(w,freq,phase,printit) string w Prompt w,"Input data:",popup WaveList("*",";","WIN:") Variable freq Prompt freq,"DFT at frequency (Hz):" Variable phase= 1 Prompt phase,"Phase:",popup "Phase in radians;Phase in degrees" Variable printit= 1 Prompt printit,"Results:",popup "Printed to History;Not Printed" DFTAtOneFrequency(w,freq,phase,printit) End



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