Coupled-map lattice dynamics, use of background task for real-time updates

Programming: This is my first use of background tasks in Igor, and hopefully this example will help others get started. For demonstrating to a class, I wanted to show real-time execution, changing parameters on the fly. Here, the map is updated as a background task (10 times a second). This allows control changes to register and update. Thanks to Larry Hutchinson for getting me going.
To do: Copy this code into your procedure window. Type demo() on the command line. Use the buttons to alter values, start and stop, reset, etc.
To try: Set a=4 (fully chaotic). Toggle D=0 (independent) to D ~ 1.0. For D>1, the pattern synchs completely if you let it. Just before it's all uniform, go back to D=0.
Notice how the chaos rapidly destroys all memory of the nearly synched initial condition. Use "Initialize" if it syncs.
Note: a bug in cml_2d (apparent at once in Igor 6.3x) was corrected on October 20, 2013.
Function demo() // execute this first! Variable/G a=3.1, D=0, nmax=20 initialize() // initialize u to random Execute "u_graph()" // create the lattice graph, with controls Execute "udisp_graph()" // create the time series graph End function initialize() Nvar nmax Make /o/n=(nmax,nmax) u=(1+enoise(1))/2 // init cond (0<u<1) Make /o/n=100 udisp=0 // for displaying last 100 points end function cml_2d(u,a,D,nmax) // 2d lattice, periodic boundary conditions wave u; variable a,D,nmax duplicate /free u, u1, f_left,f_right,f_up,f_down f_left[1, ][] = f(a,u[mod(p-1,nmax)][q]) // evaluate f at u(i-1,j) f_right[0,nmax-2][]= f(a,u[mod(p+1,nmax)][q]) // u(i+1,j) f_up[][0, nmax-2] = f(a,u[p][mod(q+1,nmax)]) // u(i,j+1) f_down[][1, ] = f(a,u[p][mod(q-1,nmax)] ) // u(i,j-1) u1 = f(a,u)*(1-D) + (D/4)*(f_left+f_right+f_up+f_down) u = u1 wave udisp Rotate -1, udisp; // shift to make chart-like display udisp[numpnts(udisp)-1]=u[0][0] // add new time point end function f(a,u) // logistic map variable a,u return a*u*(1-u) end //_______________________________________________________ Function MyBackground(s) STRUCT WMBackgroundStruct &s NVAR a,D,nmax WAVE u cml_2d(u,a,D,nmax) // iterative map update return 0 End Function ButtonProc(ba) : ButtonControl STRUCT WMButtonAction &ba switch( ba.eventCode ) case 2: // mouse up initialize() // re-initialize u to random break endswitch return 0 End Function CheckProc(s) : CheckBoxControl STRUCT WMCheckboxAction &s if (s.eventCode == 2 ) // mouse up if (s.checked ) CtrlNamedBackground fred,period=6,proc=MyBackground, start else CtrlNamedBackground fred,stop endif endif return 0 End //_______________________________________________________ Window u_graph() : Graph PauseUpdate; Silent 1 // building window... Display /W=(750,137,1243,602) AppendImage u ModifyImage u ctab= {0,1,Grays,0} ModifyGraph margin(right)=72,width=360,height={Plan,1,left,bottom} ModifyGraph mirror=2 ControlBar 43 SetVariable setvar0,pos={63,12},size={70,22},title="D",fSize=14 SetVariable setvar0,limits={0,10,0.1},value= D SetVariable setvar1,pos={151,11},size={70,22},title="a",fSize=14 SetVariable setvar1,limits={0,4,0.01},value= a Button button0,pos={239,11},size={80,20},proc=ButtonProc,title="Initialize" CheckBox ck,pos={340,11},size={90,19},proc=CheckProc,title="Run / stop",fSize=14 CheckBox ck,value= 0 EndMacro Window udisp_graph() : Graph PauseUpdate; Silent 1 // building window... Display /W=(257,44,722,327) udisp ModifyGraph width=360,height=216 ModifyGraph lSize=2 ModifyGraph nticks(left)=2 ModifyGraph minor(left)=1 ModifyGraph fSize=14 Label left "u(0,0) [typical lattice site]" Label bottom "Iteration number" SetAxis left 0,1 EndMacro



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