Compare Overlaid 2D Images

test(5,101); setup()
from the command line to show an example. I believe the Graph will update automatically to changes in the image waves as long as a wave1
duplicate, wsave
, is made at the same time, as in the Test(f,Npts)
example function. To be safe, run the setup()
function after image-wave changes.#pragma rtGlobals=3 // Use modern global access method and strict wave access. Function Test(f, Npts) // make two test images for comparison variable f , Npts // spatial frequency for test images; number of points make/O/N=(Npts, Npts) wave0 setscale/I x, -0.5, 0.5, "" wave0 setscale/I y, -0.5, 0.5, "" wave0 wave0 = (cos(x*2*pi*f)*cos(y*2*pi*f))^2 duplicate/O wave0, wave1 MatrixOp /O /S wave1 = 0.75*RotateCols(wave1, 3) // alter wave1 from wave0 duplicate/O wave1, wsave // save a copy end Function setup() // Graph the bottom (wave0) and top (wave1) images; add slider and its hook sizing function WAVE wave0, wave1, wsave variable/G Nmax = DimSize(wave0, 0) - 1 // x-dimension points for Slider max value variable Vmax0 = waveMax(wave0) variable Vmin0 = waveMin( wave0) variable Vmax1 = waveMax(wave1) variable Vmin1 = waveMin( wave1) variable Vmax = max(Vmax0, Vmax1) // for common color scale ranges variable Vmin = min(Vmin0, Vmin1) variable/G pG // global pixel value for slider DoWindow/F Graph0 // Bring graph to front if (V_Flag == 0) // if not found, make new Graph0 for overlaid images with slider for transparent boundary PauseUpdate; Silent 1. Display/N=Graph0 /W=(413.25,44.75,769.5,427.25) AppendImage/T wave0 AppendImage/T wave1 ModifyGraph margin(left)=14,margin(bottom)=14,margin(top)=14,margin(right)=14,height={Plan,1,left,top} ModifyGraph mirror=2, nticks=3, minor=1,fSize=8, standoff=0, tkLblRot(left)=90, btLen=3, tlOffset=-2 SetAxis/A/R left ControlBar/B 35 Slider slider0,pos={11,482},size={455,16},proc=SliderProc Slider slider0,limits={0,Nmax,1},variable= pG,side= 2,vert= 0,ticks= 0 SetWindow kwTopWin,hook(MyHook)=MyWindowHook DoUpdate endif GetWindow Graph0, psizeDC // gets V_left, V_right, V_top, V_bottom ModifyImage wave0 ctab= {Vmin,Vmax,Terrain,0} ModifyImage wave1 ctab= {Vmin,Vmax,Terrain,0} // common limits Slider slider0 limits = { 0, Nmax, 1} Slider slider0 pos = { 11, V_bottom+25} Slider slider0 size = { V_right-V_left+16, 20 } End Function compare(n) variable n WAVE wave0, wave1, wsave wave1 = wsave // reload full original if (n==0) return 0 endif wave1[0,n][] = NaN // make left side of top image transparent End Function SliderProc(ctrlName,sliderValue,event) : SliderControl String ctrlName Variable sliderValue Variable event // bit field: bit 0: value set, 1: mouse down, 2: mouse up, 3: mouse moved if(event %& 0x1) // bit 0, value set compare(sliderValue) endif return 0 End Function MyWindowHook(s) // if window resized, adjust slider to match STRUCT WMWinHookStruct &s Variable hookResult = 0 wave wave0 switch(s.eventCode) case 6: // graph resize GetWindow Graph0, psizeDC Slider slider0 pos = { 11, V_bottom+25} Slider slider0 size = { V_right-V_Left+16, 20 } break case 8: // graph (wave size) modified Slider slider0 limits = { 0,(DimSize(wave0, 0) - 1), 1} break endswitch return hookResult // 0 if nothing done, else 1 End



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