Communications Eye Diagram and Q-Factor procedures

I searched high and low to find a function for Igor that plots an eye diagram and/or Q-factor for a communications engineer. Maybe I was missing something obvious but I couldn't find any. Therefore I wrote the following code - I hope that it saves others a little time. In order to obtain the best results, the first element of the amplitude vector wave must be the first sample of the bit. The eye diagram will look poor unless this condition is met.
Many thanks,
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Eye Diagram generation procedure for Igor Pro. // // Author: Paul Anthony Haigh, Northumbria University // // Contact: paul.haigh@northumbria.ac.uk // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #pragma rtGlobals=1 // Use modern global access method. Function EyeDiagram(amplitude_vector,time_vector,nsamp) //Declare Parameters wave/Z amplitude_vector wave time_vector variable nsamp // KillWave to avoid cross contamination of waves killwaves/Z tvect_EyeDiagram killwaves/Z amplitude_EyeDiagram //Declare local variables variable osamp variable niterations variable zeroed_iterations variable i,j variable amp_size variable req_size variable time_size variable tsamp // Generate new waves Make/D/N=(numpnts(amplitude_vector))/O amplitude_EyeDiagram amplitude_EyeDiagram=amplitude_vector // Copy amplitude_vector to avoid modification of original signal DeletePoints 0, ceil(nsamp/2), amplitude_EyeDiagram // Offset to centre of the bit - ensures a full 1-0 and 0-1 transition is displayed osamp=2*nsamp; // Oversamp (osamp) by two (hence why offsetting by half a bit) niterations=numpnts(time_vector)/osamp Make/D/N=(niterations+nsamp)/O tvect_EyeDiagram tsamp=time_vector[2]-time_vector[1] // Find sampling interval for time vector for(i=0;i<=niterations;i+=1) for(j=0;j!=osamp+1;j+=1) tvect_EyeDiagram[i*osamp+j]=j+1 // Generate the time vector endfor endfor tvect_EyeDiagram=tvect_EyeDiagram*tsamp // Convert to bit rate relative time // Insert zeros and convert them to NaNs to ensure no overlapping of bits zeroed_iterations=niterations+niterations/osamp for (i=0;i<=zeroed_iterations;i+=osamp+1) InsertPoints i, 1, tvect_EyeDiagram InsertPoints i, 1, amplitude_EyeDiagram if (tvect_EyeDiagram[i]==0) tvect_EyeDiagram[i]=NaN if (amplitude_EyeDiagram[i]==0) amplitude_EyeDiagram[i]=NaN endif endif endfor // Create conditions for variable sizes req_size=zeroed_iterations time_size=numpnts(tvect_EyeDiagram) amp_size=numpnts(amplitude_EyeDiagram) // Ensure waves are the same size using variable size conditions if (amp_size!=req_size) DeletePoints req_size, amp_size-req_size, amplitude_EyeDiagram if (time_size!=req_size) DeletePoints req_size, time_size-req_size, tvect_EyeDiagram endif endif Display amplitude_EyeDiagram vs tvect_EyeDiagram ModifyGraph tick=2,mirror=1,fStyle=1,fSize=14,standoff=0,width=425.197,height=283.465,lsize=2,rgb=(0,0,0) Qfactor(amplitude_vector,nsamp) end ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Qfactor calculation procedure for Igor Pro. // // Author: Paul Anthony Haigh, Northumbria University // // Contact: paul.haigh@northumbria.ac.uk // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Declare function and dependent variables Function Qfactor(amplitude_vector,nsamp) wave/Z amplitude_vector variable nsamp // KillWave to avoid cross contamination of waves killwaves/Z amplitude_Qfactor killwaves/Z amplitude_Qfactor_downsamp killwaves/Z upper_vect killwaves/Z lower_vect killwaves/Z Q_factor // Generate new waves Make/D/N=(numpnts(amplitude_vector))/O amplitude_Qfactor Make/D/N=(numpnts(amplitude_vector)/nsamp)/O amplitude_Qfactor_downsamp // Procedure variables variable i,j,k,q,ii,jj variable mean_upper variable mean_lower variable std_upper variable std_lower variable Q_factor amplitude_Qfactor=amplitude_vector // Copy amplitude_vector to avoid modification of original signal WaveStats /M=1/Q/Z amplitude_Qfactor // Get WaveStats to find V_avg amplitude_Qfactor=amplitude_Qfactor-V_avg // Make data bi-polar // Downsample in the centre of the signal - data must start from the 0-1 or 1-0 transition. Change the first condition to select a different bit. for (j=ceil(nsamp/2);j<=floor(numpnts(amplitude_Qfactor)/nsamp);j+=nsamp) amplitude_Qfactor_downsamp[k]=amplitude_Qfactor[j] k+=1 endfor WaveStats /M=1/Q/Z amplitude_Qfactor_downsamp // Update WaveStats to find new V_avg // Calculate mean and standard deviation of both levels ii=0 jj=0 Make/D/N=(numpnts(amplitude_Qfactor_downsamp))/O upper_vect // Generate new vectors for each level Make/D/N=(numpnts(amplitude_Qfactor_downsamp))/O lower_vect // Sort downsampled data into the two new vectors for (q=0;q<=numpnts(amplitude_Qfactor_downsamp);q+=1) if (amplitude_Qfactor_downsamp[q]>=V_avg && amplitude_Qfactor_downsamp[q]!=0) upper_vect[ii]=amplitude_Qfactor_downsamp[q] ii+=1 elseif (amplitude_Qfactor_downsamp[q]<V_avg && amplitude_Qfactor_downsamp[q]!=0) lower_vect[jj]=amplitude_Qfactor_downsamp[q] jj+=1 endif endfor // Remove all points that follow the data to avoid corruption of the WaveStats DeletePoints ii, numpnts(amplitude_Qfactor_downsamp), upper_vect DeletePoints jj, numpnts(amplitude_Qfactor_downsamp), lower_vect WaveStats /M=1/Q/Z upper_vect // Find V_avg of upper_vect mean_upper=V_avg // Assign to a variable WaveStats /M=2/Q/Z upper_vect // Find V_sdev of upper_vect std_upper=V_sdev // Assign to a variable KillVariables/Z V_avg // Remove variables to ensure no cross contamination KillVariables/Z V_sdev WaveStats /M=1/Q/Z lower_vect // Find V_avg of lower_vect mean_lower=V_avg // Assign to a variable WaveStats /M=2/Q/Z lower_vect // Find V_sdev of lower_vect std_lower=V_sdev // Assign to a variable KillVariables/Z V_avg // Remove variables to ensure no cross contamination KillVariables/Z V_sdev // Calculate Q-Factor and print Q_factor=(mean_upper-mean_lower)/(std_upper+std_lower) printf "Q-Factor = %g\r", Q_factor // KillWaves to ensure no cross contamination KillWaves/Z upper_vect KillWaves/Z lower_vect End



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