Chi2 map - calculate chi2 as a parameter varies

You can optionally specify which x,y pairs you are interested in using lhs and rhs and you can also weight the data if you have a wave containing the standard deviation.
Function chi2generator(fn,ydata,xdata,coefs,whichParam,searchArea, [edata, lhs, rhs]) FUNCREF chi2fitfuntemplate fn Wave ydata,xdata,coefs //y data, x data, and coefficient wave variable whichParam, searchArea //which of the parameters to you want to vary, how far from the original value do you want to search (%) Wave edata //wave containing standard deviation for the x,y pair variable lhs, rhs //specify a region of interest in the data using a left hand side and right hand side. variable originalvalue = coefs[whichparam] variable range = originalValue * searchArea/100 variable ii duplicate/o ydata, :theoretical_data, :chi2_data Wave theoretical_data, chi2_data make/o/n=200/d chi2_map setscale/I x, originalvalue - range/2, originalvalue + range/2, chi2_map if(paramisdefault(lhs)) lhs = 0 endif if(paramisdefault(rhs)) rhs = numpnts(ydata) endif for(ii=0 ; ii < numpnts(chi2_map) ; ii+=1) coefs[whichparam] = pnt2x(chi2_map, ii) theoretical_data = fn(coefs, xdata) chi2_data = (ydata-theoretical_data)^2 if(!paramisdefault(edata)) chi2_data /= edata^2 endif Wavestats/q/R=[lhs, rhs] chi2_data chi2_map[ii] = V_avg * V_npnts endfor coefs[whichparam] = originalvalue display/K=1 chi2_map killwaves/z theoretical_data, chi2_data End Function chi2fitfuntemplate(w, x) Wave w variable x End



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