Basic Rebinning

#pragma rtGlobals=1 // Use modern global access method. Function Pla_intRebin(x_init, y_init,s_init, x_rebin) Wave x_init, y_init, s_init,x_rebin //Rebins histogrammed data into boundaries set by x_rebin. //makes the waves W_rebin and W_RebinSD. //it uses linear interpolation to work out the proportions of which original cells should be placed //in the new bin boundaries. // Precision will normally be lost. // It does not make sense to rebin to smaller bin boundaries. if(checkSorted(x_rebin) || checkSorted(x_init)) print "The x_rebin and x_init must be monotonically increasing (Pla_intRebin)" return 1 endif if(wavedims(X_init)!=1 || wavedims(y_init)!=1 || wavedims(s_init)!=1 || wavedims(X_rebin)!=1) print "All supplied waves must be 1D (Pla_intrebin)" return 1 endif if(numpnts(X_init)-1!= numpnts(y_init) || numpnts(y_init)!=numpnts(s_init)) print "y_init and s_init must have one less point than x_init (Pla_intRebin)" return 1 endif make/o/d/n =(numpnts(x_rebin)-1) W_rebin=0,W_RebinSD=0 variable ii=0, kk = 0 variable lowlim,upperlim for(ii=0; ii< numpnts(x_rebin)-1 ; ii+=1) //this gives the approximate position of where the new bin would start in the old bin lowlim = binarysearchinterp(x_init,x_rebin[ii]) upperlim = binarysearchinterp(x_init,x_rebin[ii+1]) //if your rebin x boundaries are set outisde those of the initial data then you won't get any counts. if(numtype(lowlim) && numtype(upperlim)) W_rebin[ii] = 0 W_RebinSD[ii] = 1 continue endif //lower limit for your rebinned data may be outside the original histogram boundary //set it to the lowest point in this case if(numtype(lowlim) && numtype(upperlim) == 0) lowlim = 0 endif //lower limit for rebinned boundary is in the original boundaries //but upperlimit has escaped, so set to the highest from the original data. if(numtype(lowlim)==0 && numtype(upperlim) ) upperlim = numpnts(x_init)-1 endif //now need to add the counts together //both upperlimit and lower limit rebin boundaries aren't the same unbinned cell //need to take a proportion of a lower and upper cell if(trunc(lowlim) != trunc(upperlim)) W_rebin[ii] = y_init[trunc(lowlim)]*(ceil(lowlim) - lowlim) W_rebin[ii] += y_init[trunc(upperlim)]*(upperlim - trunc(upperlim)) W_RebinSD[ii] = (s_init[trunc(lowlim)]*(ceil(lowlim) - lowlim))^2 W_RebinSD[ii] += (s_init[trunc(upperlim)]*(upperlim - trunc(upperlim)))^2 W_RebinSD[ii] = sqrt(W_RebinSD[ii]) else //the upper and lower limits are in the same binned cell. Need to work out //what proportion of the original cell is occupied by the difference between the limits W_rebin[ii] = y_init[trunc(lowlim)]*(upperlim-lowlim) W_RebinSD[ii] = s_init[trunc(lowlim)]*(upperlim-lowlim) endif //if the upper and lower limits span several of the original data, then you need to add counts //from each individual cell. if((ceil(lowlim)<trunc(upperlim)) &&(trunc(upperlim) - ceil(lowlim) >=1)) for(kk = 0 ; kk < trunc(upperlim) - ceil(lowlim) ;kk += 1) W_rebin[ii] += y_init[ceil(lowlim) + kk] W_RebinSD[ii] += (s_init[ceil(lowlim) + kk])^2 endfor W_RebinSD[ii] = sqrt(W_RebinSD[ii]) endif endfor return 0 End Function checkSorted(aWave) Wave aWave variable ii for(ii=dimsize(awave,0)-1 ; ii>= 0 ; ii-=1) if(awave[ii] < awave[ii-1]) return 1 endif endfor return 0 End



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