1) Save the existing experiment in place
2) Save a copy of the experiment, with a sequence number appended to its name
3) Display a reminder dialog.
Note it doesn't actually do anything until you manually select the command and turn on auto-save, so it's not completely "auto".
More details in the comments. Because it includes the independentModule pragma, this file won't appear on the list of Procedure windows. If you want to experiment with the code, remove that pragma to make it easier to work with the file.
#pragma rtGlobals=1 // Use modern global access method.
#pragma Version=1.00 // 2011-3-30 DRD
#pragma independentModule = HOBIAutoSave
// Implements automatic background saving or copying of the current experiment file.
// Places a dynamic auto-save item in the file menu. When auto-save is not already active,
// the auto-save command opens a dialog for selecting the period and mode. When it is active,
// the text of the menu item shows how much time remains before the next save.
// Mode is either overwrite, meaning each save replaces the existing experiment file, or copy,
// meaning a new copy is created each time, or reminder, which just puts up an alert box.
// Note that in copy mode, files that are not included in the packed experiment file will NOT be backed up.
// In copy mode, each copy of the file has a sequence number appended to its name.
// This creates a data folder that holds just two settings, the mode and the count value used to auto-name
// files in backup mode. The period and status of the background task are stored by Igor's background
// scheduler.
// David Dana, 2011/3/30
#ifdef WINDOWS
Menu "Data", dynamic
ASMenuItem(), /Q, ASMenuAction()
End Menu
Menu "File", dynamic
ASMenuItem(), /Q, ASMenuAction()
End Menu
Constant kOverwriteMode = 1
Constant kBackupMode = 2
Constant kRemindMode = 3
StrConstant ASSettingsFolder = "root:Packages:HOBIAutoSave"
// Returns a string for the Auto-save menu item. The text of the menu item depends on the status of the
// background task.
Function/S ASMenuItem()
if (ASIsActive()) // If it's active, display the amount of time remaining before the next save
variable remaining = ASSecondsRemaining()
string remainingStr
if (remaining > 60)
remaining = round(remaining/60)
remainingStr = "in " + num2str(remaining) + " min"
remainingStr = "in " + num2str(round(remaining)) + " sec"
string menuStr
if (ASMode() == kBackupMode)
menuStr = CheckMark() + "Auto-Backup "
elseif (ASMode() == kRemindMode)
menuStr = CheckMark() + "Auto-Remind "
menuStr = CheckMark() + "Auto-Save "
return menuStr + remainingStr
return "Auto-Save..."
End Menu
// This is called when the menu item is selected. Depending on whether the background task is running,
// either stops it or asks the user to set it up
Function ASMenuAction()
if (ASIsActive())
End Function
// Stops the background task
Function ASStop()
CtrlNamedBackground AutoSave, stop
End Function
// Starts the background task, with the given period in minutes
Function ASStart(minutes)
variable minutes
if (minutes < 1)
minutes = 1
CtrlNamedBackground AutoSave, proc=ASTask, dialogsOK = 0, burst = 0
CtrlNamedBackground AutoSave, period=minutes*3600
CtrlNamedBackground AutoSave, start=ticks+minutes*3600
End Function
// Background task that does the actual work. Taks a WMBackgroundStruct, as required for any named
// background task, but doesn't use it. This routine must also return 0; nonzero tells Igor to halt the
// taks.
Function ASTask(s)
STRUCT WMBackgroundStruct &s // required by Igor but unused
// First check whether a save is even necessary
ExperimentModified // this only works in overwrite mode; saving a copy doesn't change the "modified" status
if (v_flag == 0) // the experiment is unmodified; no need to save
return 0
if (ASMode() == kOverwriteMode)
print "Auto-saving " + time() // print in history
elseif (ASMode() == kBackupMode)
ASSetBackupCount(ASBackupCount() + 1)
string newName = IgorInfo(1) + "_" + Num2Str(ASBackupCount())
print "Auto-saving \"" + newName + "\",", time() // print in history
SaveExperiment/C/P=home as newName
return 0
End Function
// Handles the setup and user input necessary to start auto-save.
Function ASSetup()
PathInfo home // First check whether the experiment has previously been saved
if (v_flag == 0) // the home path doesn't exist; the experiment has never been saved
DoAlert 1, "To use auto-save, you must first give the experiment a name and location. Save it now?"
if (v_flag != 1) // 1 = yes clicked
return 0
SaveExperiment // will prompt user for name and location
PathInfo home
if (v_flag == 0) // still not saved; user must have cancelled
DoAlert 0, "Auto-save cancelled."
return 0
// Prepare to get user input
CtrlNamedBackground AutoSave, status // Find the current period setting of the task
variable period = NumberByKey ("PERIOD", s_info) / 3600
if (period < 1) // not yet initialized
period = 10
// put the period into a user-readable string, with units. This string should match one of the choices in the popup
// menu below, so that the popup will appear with the current setting selected
string perStr
if (period > 1)
perStr = num2str(period) + " minutes"
perStr = num2str(period) + " minute"
// Make and display a simple dialog with popup menus display the period and mode choices
Prompt perStr, "Auto-save Interval", popup "1 minute;2 minutes;5 minutes;10 minutes;30 minutes;60 minutes;120 minutes"
variable mode = ASMode()
Prompt mode, "Replace, copy, or show reminders?", popup "Replace original with each save;Make new backup copy with each save;Do not save, only show reminders"
DoPrompt/HELP="Note that in copy mode, notebooks, procedures and other files that are separate from the experiment file will not be backed up." "Auto-save Settings", perStr, mode
if (v_flag == 1) // cancel was clicked; never mind
return 0
period = str2num(perStr)
ASStart(period) // start the task
return period
End Function
// Returns a reference to the data folder containing the auto-save settings. If it doesn't yet exist, creates
// it. The actual name of the folder is contained in a string constant defined at the top of the file
Function/DF ASSettingsFolder()
DFREF dfr = $ASSettingsFolder
if (DataFolderRefStatus (dfr) == 0)
NewDataFolder/O root:Packages
NewDataFolder/O $ASSettingsFolder
dfr = $ASSettingsFolder
Variable/G dfr:SaveMode = kOverwriteMode
Variable/G dfr:BackupCount // Igor will initialize to zero, or leave alone if it already exists
dfr = $ASSettingsFolder
return dfr
End Function
// Returns the two-character prefix for a checked menu item
Function/S Checkmark()
return "!" + Num2Char(18)
End Function
// Returns 1 if the background task is running, 0 if not
Function ASIsActive()
CtrlNamedBackground AutoSave, status
if (stringmatch(s_info, "*RUN:1*"))
return 1
return 0
End Function
// Returns number of seconds remaining before the background task next runs. Answer is meaningless if
// task isn't running (most likely negative)
Function ASSecondsRemaining()
variable remaining
CtrlNamedBackground AutoSave, status
remaining = NumberByKey ("NEXT", s_info) - ticks
remaining /= 60
return remaining
End Function
// Returns value of the mode variable stored in the auto-save folder
Function ASMode()
DFREF dfr = ASSettingsFolder()
NVAR mode = dfr:SaveMode
return mode
End Function
// Sets the value of the mode variable stored in the auto-save folder, and returns its new value
Function ASSetMode(newmode)
variable newMode
DFREF dfr = ASSettingsFolder()
NVAR mode = dfr:SaveMode
mode = newmode
return mode
End Function
// Returns the value of the backup count variable stored in the auto-save folder. This is used for naming
// multiple backup files.
Function ASBackupCount()
DFREF dfr = ASSettingsFolder()
NVAR count = dfr:BackupCount
return count
End Function
// Sets the value of the backup count variable stored in the auto-save folder, and returns its new value
Function ASSetBackupCount(newCount)
variable newcount
DFREF dfr = ASSettingsFolder()
NVAR count = dfr:BackupCount
count = newCount
return count
End Function
// Display a small non-modal reminder window. User can dismiss it and also turn off future reminders
Function ASRemind()
if (WinType("ASReminderPanel") == 7)
DoWindow/F ASReminderPanel
NewPanel /k=1/W=(84,77,366,174)/N=ASReminderPanel as "Reminder"
ModifyPanel fixedSize=1
TitleBox title0,pos={47,15},size={184,16},title="Remember to save your work"
TitleBox title0,font="Lucida Grande",fSize=13,frame=0
Button OKButton,pos={21,52},size={70,22},title="OK"
Button StopButton,pos={109,52},size={150,22},title="Stop Reminders"
Button OKButton, proc=ASRemind_OKProc
Button StopButton,proc=ASRemind_StopProc
return 0
End Function
Function ASRemind_OKProc(ctrlName) : ButtonControl
String ctrlName
DoWindow/K ASReminderPanel
Function ASRemind_StopProc(ctrlName) : ButtonControl
String ctrlName
DoWindow/K ASReminderPanel
#pragma Version=1.00 // 2011-3-30 DRD
#pragma independentModule = HOBIAutoSave
// Implements automatic background saving or copying of the current experiment file.
// Places a dynamic auto-save item in the file menu. When auto-save is not already active,
// the auto-save command opens a dialog for selecting the period and mode. When it is active,
// the text of the menu item shows how much time remains before the next save.
// Mode is either overwrite, meaning each save replaces the existing experiment file, or copy,
// meaning a new copy is created each time, or reminder, which just puts up an alert box.
// Note that in copy mode, files that are not included in the packed experiment file will NOT be backed up.
// In copy mode, each copy of the file has a sequence number appended to its name.
// This creates a data folder that holds just two settings, the mode and the count value used to auto-name
// files in backup mode. The period and status of the background task are stored by Igor's background
// scheduler.
// David Dana, 2011/3/30
#ifdef WINDOWS
Menu "Data", dynamic
ASMenuItem(), /Q, ASMenuAction()
End Menu
Menu "File", dynamic
ASMenuItem(), /Q, ASMenuAction()
End Menu
Constant kOverwriteMode = 1
Constant kBackupMode = 2
Constant kRemindMode = 3
StrConstant ASSettingsFolder = "root:Packages:HOBIAutoSave"
// Returns a string for the Auto-save menu item. The text of the menu item depends on the status of the
// background task.
Function/S ASMenuItem()
if (ASIsActive()) // If it's active, display the amount of time remaining before the next save
variable remaining = ASSecondsRemaining()
string remainingStr
if (remaining > 60)
remaining = round(remaining/60)
remainingStr = "in " + num2str(remaining) + " min"
remainingStr = "in " + num2str(round(remaining)) + " sec"
string menuStr
if (ASMode() == kBackupMode)
menuStr = CheckMark() + "Auto-Backup "
elseif (ASMode() == kRemindMode)
menuStr = CheckMark() + "Auto-Remind "
menuStr = CheckMark() + "Auto-Save "
return menuStr + remainingStr
return "Auto-Save..."
End Menu
// This is called when the menu item is selected. Depending on whether the background task is running,
// either stops it or asks the user to set it up
Function ASMenuAction()
if (ASIsActive())
End Function
// Stops the background task
Function ASStop()
CtrlNamedBackground AutoSave, stop
End Function
// Starts the background task, with the given period in minutes
Function ASStart(minutes)
variable minutes
if (minutes < 1)
minutes = 1
CtrlNamedBackground AutoSave, proc=ASTask, dialogsOK = 0, burst = 0
CtrlNamedBackground AutoSave, period=minutes*3600
CtrlNamedBackground AutoSave, start=ticks+minutes*3600
End Function
// Background task that does the actual work. Taks a WMBackgroundStruct, as required for any named
// background task, but doesn't use it. This routine must also return 0; nonzero tells Igor to halt the
// taks.
Function ASTask(s)
STRUCT WMBackgroundStruct &s // required by Igor but unused
// First check whether a save is even necessary
ExperimentModified // this only works in overwrite mode; saving a copy doesn't change the "modified" status
if (v_flag == 0) // the experiment is unmodified; no need to save
return 0
if (ASMode() == kOverwriteMode)
print "Auto-saving " + time() // print in history
elseif (ASMode() == kBackupMode)
ASSetBackupCount(ASBackupCount() + 1)
string newName = IgorInfo(1) + "_" + Num2Str(ASBackupCount())
print "Auto-saving \"" + newName + "\",", time() // print in history
SaveExperiment/C/P=home as newName
return 0
End Function
// Handles the setup and user input necessary to start auto-save.
Function ASSetup()
PathInfo home // First check whether the experiment has previously been saved
if (v_flag == 0) // the home path doesn't exist; the experiment has never been saved
DoAlert 1, "To use auto-save, you must first give the experiment a name and location. Save it now?"
if (v_flag != 1) // 1 = yes clicked
return 0
SaveExperiment // will prompt user for name and location
PathInfo home
if (v_flag == 0) // still not saved; user must have cancelled
DoAlert 0, "Auto-save cancelled."
return 0
// Prepare to get user input
CtrlNamedBackground AutoSave, status // Find the current period setting of the task
variable period = NumberByKey ("PERIOD", s_info) / 3600
if (period < 1) // not yet initialized
period = 10
// put the period into a user-readable string, with units. This string should match one of the choices in the popup
// menu below, so that the popup will appear with the current setting selected
string perStr
if (period > 1)
perStr = num2str(period) + " minutes"
perStr = num2str(period) + " minute"
// Make and display a simple dialog with popup menus display the period and mode choices
Prompt perStr, "Auto-save Interval", popup "1 minute;2 minutes;5 minutes;10 minutes;30 minutes;60 minutes;120 minutes"
variable mode = ASMode()
Prompt mode, "Replace, copy, or show reminders?", popup "Replace original with each save;Make new backup copy with each save;Do not save, only show reminders"
DoPrompt/HELP="Note that in copy mode, notebooks, procedures and other files that are separate from the experiment file will not be backed up." "Auto-save Settings", perStr, mode
if (v_flag == 1) // cancel was clicked; never mind
return 0
period = str2num(perStr)
ASStart(period) // start the task
return period
End Function
// Returns a reference to the data folder containing the auto-save settings. If it doesn't yet exist, creates
// it. The actual name of the folder is contained in a string constant defined at the top of the file
Function/DF ASSettingsFolder()
DFREF dfr = $ASSettingsFolder
if (DataFolderRefStatus (dfr) == 0)
NewDataFolder/O root:Packages
NewDataFolder/O $ASSettingsFolder
dfr = $ASSettingsFolder
Variable/G dfr:SaveMode = kOverwriteMode
Variable/G dfr:BackupCount // Igor will initialize to zero, or leave alone if it already exists
dfr = $ASSettingsFolder
return dfr
End Function
// Returns the two-character prefix for a checked menu item
Function/S Checkmark()
return "!" + Num2Char(18)
End Function
// Returns 1 if the background task is running, 0 if not
Function ASIsActive()
CtrlNamedBackground AutoSave, status
if (stringmatch(s_info, "*RUN:1*"))
return 1
return 0
End Function
// Returns number of seconds remaining before the background task next runs. Answer is meaningless if
// task isn't running (most likely negative)
Function ASSecondsRemaining()
variable remaining
CtrlNamedBackground AutoSave, status
remaining = NumberByKey ("NEXT", s_info) - ticks
remaining /= 60
return remaining
End Function
// Returns value of the mode variable stored in the auto-save folder
Function ASMode()
DFREF dfr = ASSettingsFolder()
NVAR mode = dfr:SaveMode
return mode
End Function
// Sets the value of the mode variable stored in the auto-save folder, and returns its new value
Function ASSetMode(newmode)
variable newMode
DFREF dfr = ASSettingsFolder()
NVAR mode = dfr:SaveMode
mode = newmode
return mode
End Function
// Returns the value of the backup count variable stored in the auto-save folder. This is used for naming
// multiple backup files.
Function ASBackupCount()
DFREF dfr = ASSettingsFolder()
NVAR count = dfr:BackupCount
return count
End Function
// Sets the value of the backup count variable stored in the auto-save folder, and returns its new value
Function ASSetBackupCount(newCount)
variable newcount
DFREF dfr = ASSettingsFolder()
NVAR count = dfr:BackupCount
count = newCount
return count
End Function
// Display a small non-modal reminder window. User can dismiss it and also turn off future reminders
Function ASRemind()
if (WinType("ASReminderPanel") == 7)
DoWindow/F ASReminderPanel
NewPanel /k=1/W=(84,77,366,174)/N=ASReminderPanel as "Reminder"
ModifyPanel fixedSize=1
TitleBox title0,pos={47,15},size={184,16},title="Remember to save your work"
TitleBox title0,font="Lucida Grande",fSize=13,frame=0
Button OKButton,pos={21,52},size={70,22},title="OK"
Button StopButton,pos={109,52},size={150,22},title="Stop Reminders"
Button OKButton, proc=ASRemind_OKProc
Button StopButton,proc=ASRemind_StopProc
return 0
End Function
Function ASRemind_OKProc(ctrlName) : ButtonControl
String ctrlName
DoWindow/K ASReminderPanel
Function ASRemind_StopProc(ctrlName) : ButtonControl
String ctrlName
DoWindow/K ASReminderPanel
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