Allan Variance by Mike Johnson

and I started making minor usability changes to it. I created this project so that others can benefit and collaborate on this code.
Usage: save as an .ipf, load into Igor, plot the data you will analyze, continue through the AllanVariance menu.
#pragma rtGlobals=1 // Use modern global access method. //Allan variance function for 1-D wave //9/13/12 maj //2017-09-08 jcc, a few usability tweaks // originally posted at http://www.igorexchange.com/node/2757 // original file http://www.igorexchange.com/files/AllanVariance.ipf // original author, Mike Johnson http://www.igorexchange.com/user/3700 //*********************************************** // // from Wikipedia "Allan variance"-- // // "Allan variance is defined as one half of the time average of the // // squares of the differences between successive readings of the // // signal deviation sampled over the sampling period. The Allan // // variance depends on the time period used between samples: // // therefore it is a function of the sample period, commonly // // denoted as tau, likewise the distribution being measured, and is // // displayed as a graph rather than a single number. " // //*********************************************** // Menu "Allan variance" "Plot Allan Variance of a wave plotted on the top graph",AllanVariance() "Add lines for white noise", AllanWhite() End // creates two new waves containing allan variance and averaging window Function AllanVariance([wName,nMax,p0,p1]) String wName // wave to use Variable nMax // maximum npnts to average for Allan variance variable p0,p1 // optionally use only wName[p0,p1] for the calculation[jcc] // variable getDev // optionally return the deviation instead of variance (sqrt(var)) [future feature] If (ParamIsDefault(nMax) || ParamIsDefault(wName)) nMax = 50 Prompt wName, "Plot Allan variance of",popup, WaveList("*", ";","WIN:") Prompt nMax, "Maximum number of variances:" DoPrompt "Allan variance",wName, nMax if(V_flag) //user canceled Abort "User canceled Allan variance." endif endif WAVE w = $wName Variable wd wd = WaveDims(w) If(wd !=1) Abort "Allan variance is available for 1-D waves only." endif if (!ParamIsDefault(p0) || !ParamIsDefault(p1)) make /free/d/n=(p1-p0+1) wtrimmed wtrimmed= w[p+p0] wave w= wtrimmed endif String aaxis,avar,alertStr aaxis = wName + "_avx" // x-axis for output wave avar = wName + "_avar" // output wave If((Exists(aaxis) == 1) %| (Exists(avar)==1)) alertStr = "Wave(s) for Allan variance of \'"+wName alertStr += "\' already exist, overwrite them?" DoAlert 1, alertStr If(V_flag == 2) Abort "User aborted AllanVariance." endif endif Variable npt,dX,n2,n3,n4 npt = numpnts(w) dX = deltax(w) n2 = 2*floor(sqrt(npt)) // later limit n2 to nMax points Make/O/N=(n2) $aaxis WAVE aaxisW = $aaxis aaxisW = (p+1)*dX aaxisW[(n2/2+1),(n2-1)] = dX*round(npt/(n2-p+1)) If(n2 > nMax) // replace middle point by exp spaced pts n3 = floor(nMax/3) n4 = n2-2*n3 DeletePoints n3,n4,aaxisW InsertPoints n3,n3,aaxisW Variable j=0 Variable h = (aaxisW[(2*n3)]/aaxisW[(n3-1)])^(1/(n3+1)) Variable hh = h Do aaxisW[j+n3] = aaxisW[(n3-1)]*hh hh *=h j += 1 While(j <= n3) endif Make/O/N=(numpnts(aaxisW)) $avar WAVE avarW = $avar avarW = FAllanVar(w, aaxisW[p]) Display/K=1 avarW vs aaxisW AllanVarianceStyle() // get also white noise AllanWhite(wName=aaxis) // // convert to deviation? [future feature] // if (getDev) // avarW= sqrt(avarW) // Label/Z left "Allan deviation" // AllanVarianceStyle() had labelled it before // endif return 0 End // this function actually performs the Allan variance analysis Function FAllanVar(inWave, xInt) WAVE inWave Variable xInt // x interval for averaging Variable npt = numpnts(inWave) Variable dX = deltax(inWave) // x-spacing for inWave Variable numInt, ptsInt numInt = ceil(npt*dX/xInt) // number of intervals ptsInt = ceil(npt/numInt) // number of pts per interval Make/FREE/N=(numInt) tempAllan tempAllan = 0 Variable i = 0,p1,p2 Do p1 = pnt2x(inWave,i*ptsInt) p2 = pnt2x(inWave,(i+1)*ptsInt-1) tempAllan[i] = mean(inWave,p1,p2) i += 1 While(i < numInt) tempAllan = tempAllan[p+1] - tempAllan[p] DeletePoints (numInt-1),1,tempAllan tempAllan = tempAllan*tempAllan/2 If(numInt >2) WaveStats/Q tempAllan return V_avg else return tempAllan[0] endif end // Draw lines for white noise Function AllanWhite([wName]) String wName // wave to use if (ParamisDefault(wname)) Prompt wName, "Add white noise lines for",popup, WaveList("*", ";","WIN:") DoPrompt "Add white noise lines", wName endif if(V_flag) //user canceled Abort "User canceled white noise lines." endif String line1,line2,line3, aaxis,avar,alertStr,wn Variable uchar= 0,start = 0, dX Do // find last "_" in wave name start = uchar+1 uchar = strsearch(wName, "_",start) While(uchar != -1) If(start==1) alertStr = "Cannot find Allan variance wave(s). " Abort alertStr endif If(cmpstr(wName[(start),(start+1)],"av") !=0) alertStr = "Cannot find Allan variance wave(s). " Abort alertStr endif wn = wName[0,(start-2)] WAVE w = $wn If(WaveExists(w) != 1) alertStr = "Cannot find \'"+wn+"\'" Abort alertStr endif dX = deltax(w) line1 = wn+"_l1" line2 = wn+"_l2" line3 = wn+"_l3" aaxis = wn+"_avx" avar = wn+"_avar" If((Exists(line1) == 1) %| (Exists(line2)==1) %| (Exists(line3)==1)) alertStr = "White noise wave(s) for \'"+wName alertStr += "\' already exist, overwrite them?" DoAlert 1, alertStr If(V_flag == 2) Abort "User aborted AllanWhite" endif endif If((Exists(aaxis) != 1) %| Exists(avar) != 1) alertStr = "Cannot find \'"+aaxis+"\' (or \'"+avar+"\')" Abort alertStr endif Make/O/N=(numpnts($aaxis)) $line1,$line2,$line3 WAVE lineW1 = $line1 WAVE lineW2 = $line2 WAVE lineW3 = $line3 WAVE aaxisW = $aaxis WAVE avarW = $avar lineW2 = avarW[0]/aaxisW[p]*dX Variable npt = numpnts($wn) lineW1 = avarW[0]* dX*sqrt(2/npt/aaxisW[p]) + lineW2[p] lineW3 = -avarW[0]* dX*sqrt(2/npt/aaxisW[p]) + lineW2[p] // GetAxis/Q left //gets left axis limits AppendToGraph lineW1,lineW2,lineW3 vs aaxisW ModifyGraph lstyle($line1)=7,lstyle($line2)=1,lstyle($line3)=7 ModifyGraph lsize($line1)=1,lsize($line2)=1,lsize($line3)=1 // SetAxis left,V_min,V_max return 0 End Function AllanVarianceStyle() ModifyGraph/Z grid=2 ModifyGraph/Z log=1 ModifyGraph/Z mirror=1 Label/Z left "Allan variance" Label/Z bottom "Averaging time" End



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