Igor Pro® includes extensive support for reading and writing HDF5 files through an included HDF5 package. The package consists of an HDF5 XOP (plug-in) that adds many operations which can be used from Igor procedures and an Igor procedure file that adds a powerful HDF5 browser to Igor.
The HDF5 Browser
After installing the HDF5 package, you create an HDF5 browser by choosing Data->Load Waves->New HDF5 Browser.
To browse an HDF5 file you click the Open HDF5 File button. The HDF5 browser then displays:
- All groups in the HDF5 file
- All datasets in the selected group
- Properties of datasets such as the rank, dimension sizes and data type
- The attributes of the selected group and of the selected dataset
- A preview of the selected dataset in table and graph forms
The HDF5 browser also allows you to:
- Create a new HDF5 file
- Add datasets and groups to an HDF5 file
- See a "DDL" dump of a group, a dataset or an attribute (for HDF5 experts or those who want to be)
Igor's HDF5 package supports the "HDF5 Image and Palette Specification" version 1.2.
HDF5 Programmable Operations
Igor's HDF5 package adds operations that you can invoke from Igor's programming environment. These operations allow you to:
- Open an HDF5 file
- List groups, datasets, and attributes
- Load groups, datasets, and attributes into Igor
- Load images into Igor
- Unlink groups and datasets
- Save Igor data to HDF5 groups, datasets, and attributes
- Save Igor images to HDF5 datasets
To try Igor's HDF5 package, you need Igor Pro 5.04 or later or the Igor Pro demo, version 5.04 or later. To install the HDF5 package, run Igor, choose Data->Load Waves->Packages->Install HDF5 Package. Then do the HDF5 Guided Tour in the HDF5 Help file.



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