4Misc_Start4Platformܸ@ 0ROGI,, ] Ze b Rt^Iwinspool\\mgptprt01.staff.ad.curtin.edu.au\Curtin_Black_PrintNUL\\mgptprt01.staff.ad.curtin.edR\ 4d,,A4 (210 x 297mm)R!Multi-model Print Driver 2N@ dH , Arialp_0 0ROGI,, ] Ze b Rt^Iwinspool\\mgptprt01.staff.ad.curtin.edu.au\Curtin_Black_PrintNUL\\mgptprt01.staff.ad.curtin.edR\ 4d,,A4 (210 x 297mm)R!Multi-model Print Driver 2N@ dH , Arialp_0 0ROGI,, X U[ X Rt^Iwinspool\\mgptprt01.staff.ad.curtin.edu.au\Curtin_Black_PrintNUL\\mgptprt01.staff.ad.curtin.edR\ 4d,,A4 (210 x 297mm)R!Multi-model Print Driver 2N@ dH , Arialp_0 0 ROGI,, X U[ X Rt^Iwinspool\\mgptprt01.staff.ad.curtin.edu.au\Curtin_Black_PrintNUL\\mgptprt01.staff.ad.curtin.edR\ 4d,,A4 (210 x 297mm)R!Multi-model Print Driver 2N@ dH , Arialp_0^Graph*@@wwwwww?wwwwww?coWDashSettings#  !'^Normal@ Arial<HHHH$$'^Normal@ Arial<HHHH$$444444 ENormal@ Input<HHHH$$4 4 4 4 4 4 homef^dJ:SAE:PHYSICS:HSRG:Data:Synchrotron:Automatic Phase Assignment:J:SAE:PHYSICS:HSRG:Data:Synchrotron:Automatic Phase Assignment[(vl [<v[Lv[n1uln1u?m#\! ( \#H9u? n1u!c5c&6RecentWindowsAdvanced Topics.ihfAnalysis.ihfCurve Fitting.ihfDemoLoader.ipfDialog Help.ihfErrors.ihfGeneticOptimisation.ipfGetting Started.ihfGraph0:w_D,w_BGraph1:f_zGraphBrowser.ipfGraphics.ihfHelp BrowserIgor Reference.ihfTable0:w_coef,w_B,w_z,f_z,sumf_z 4Misc_EndtXOPState_Start@Data Browser Resized PositionsGizmorchical list of all windowPeakFunctions2hfErrors.ihfGencurvefittions that can be taInterpolatep Help BrowserXLLoadWaveanced Topics.ihf@GBLoadWave  Surface Plotter_B,w_z,f_z,sumf_GISLoadWaveFindPeaks U O S Data Browserroot4XOPState_End\=rename wave0 w_x rename wave1 w_y rename wave2 w_e generateCoefs() generateCoefs() Edit/K=0 'w_coef';DelayUpdate Edit/K=0 'w_x';DelayUpdate calcBWave(w_coef,w_x) Edit root:w_B generateCoefs() calcBWave(w_coef,w_x) Edit root:w_B calcZWave(w_D, w_B, w_e) ==== The Optimize operation failed to find a minimum. ==== Optimize stopped because The Optimize operation was unable to find a pair of X values that bracket the minimum (or maximum). Use /L and /H to specify bracketing values. the Optimize operation was unable to find values that bracket a minimum. You may be able to find bracketing values yourself. Use the /L and /H flags to tell Optimize about them. Current best solution: nan Function value at solution: nan 26 iterations, 253 function calls V_minloc = nan, V_min = nan, V_OptNumIters = 26, V_OptNumFunctionCalls = 253 ==== The Optimize operation failed to find a minimum. ==== Optimize stopped because The Optimize operation was unable to find a pair of X values that bracket the minimum (or maximum). Use /L and /H to specify bracketing values. the Optimize operation was unable to find values that bracket a minimum. You may be able to find bracketing values yourself. Use the /L and /H flags to tell Optimize about them. Current best solution: nan Function value at solution: nan 26 iterations, 1031 function calls V_minloc = nan, V_min = nan, V_OptNumIters = 26, V_OptNumFunctionCalls = 1031 ==== The Optimize operation failed to find a minimum. ==== Optimize stopped because The Optimize operation was unable to find a pair of X values that bracket the minimum (or maximum). Use /L and /H to specify bracketing values. the Optimize operation was unable to find values that bracket a minimum. You may be able to find bracketing values yourself. Use the /L and /H flags to tell Optimize about them. Current best solution: nan Function value at solution: nan 32 iterations, 1037 function calls V_minloc = nan, V_min = nan, V_OptNumIters = 32, V_OptNumFunctionCalls = 1037 ==== The Optimize operation failed to find a minimum. ==== Optimize stopped because The Optimize operation was unable to find a pair of X values that bracket the minimum (or maximum). Use /L and /H to specify bracketing values. the Optimize operation was unable to find values that bracket a minimum. You may be able to find bracketing values yourself. Use the /L and /H flags to tell Optimize about them. Current best solution: nan Function value at solution: nan 36 iterations, 1041 function calls V_minloc = nan, V_min = nan, V_OptNumIters = 36, V_OptNumFunctionCalls = 1041 funcfit/H="00" linear, w_coef, w_D /X=w_x Fit converged properly y= linear(w_coef,x) Your coefficient wave is single-precision. We recommend making it double-precision (use Redimension Waves from the Data menu). w_coef={516.17,-8.5189} V_chisq= 1.7781e+006;V_npnts= 31;V_numNaNs= 0;V_numINFs= 0; V_startRow= 0;V_endRow= 30; W_sigma={41.7,9.93} Coefficient values one standard deviation coefs_0 =516.17 41.7 coefs_1 =-8.5189 9.93 Edit root:w_coef calcBWave(w_coef, w_x) display w_D AppendToGraph w_B Display root:w_D,root:w_B calcZWave(w_D, w_B, w_e) Edit root:w_z Edit root:w_coef calcZWave(w_D, w_B, w_e) Edit root:w_z calcZWave(w_D, w_B, w_e) Edit root:w_z setformula w_z, "(w_D - w_B)/w_e" Display root:w_z Edit/K=0 'w_coef';DelayUpdate calcBWave(w_coef, w_x) Edit root:w_B w_B=linear(w_coef, w_x[p]) w_B=linear(w_coef, w_x) Edit root:w_coef w_B=linear(w_coef, w_x) setformula w_B, "linear(w_coef, w_x)" Edit root:w_coef,root:w_B,root:w_z duplicate w_z f_z f_z = -1*w_z^2 calcBWave(w_coef, w_x) Display root:w_B Edit root:w_coef,root:w_B,root:w_z,root:f_z calcBWave(w_coef, w_x) calcFZWave() f_z=-1*w_z^2 calcFZWave() Display root:f_z calcFZWave() make/o/n=1 sumf_z Edit root:w_coef,root:w_B,root:w_z,root:f_z,root:sumf_z sumFZWave() Display root:w_D,root:w_B ModifyGraph mode(w_D)=2,lsize(w_D)=4,rgb(w_B)=(0,0,65280) !0ɘx8w_x0ɘ???? ???@@@ @@@@@@@@@ @!@"@#@$@x8`яw_D0ɘ????HCp@|8t@h@9ߡhv@$B#87s@@@@t@V1t@ @y>^Cu@fv@-gv@@@aX5Hv@@3tbJw@#?,Dz@e=u@ep)y@Zjsx@l0O0{@T@NDg2@h1 2@2@ζIn?@nƅ"3@ci3:@M3@s'Z4@ 2@ 4@R6T3@Wl4@K4@Fb;@ȷUn3@xx4@ 4@ .65@yu4@zHJS5@яS(5@)H@(w_coef0ɘ????JlCEAಯ+w_B0ɘ????jCnCÛCCmC¢CCmC©C4CJlC`CwCkCCCjC翾CCjC*C@CViCmCChCCCgCC Clinear(w_coef, w_x) Fయw_z0ɘ????J3?cQAH@ºCA;@лi7A>ϼš0AϑgOA^J?b?oY>K?)՝?FAw >ePox??2O?r>(w_D - w_B)/w_eO\S`^f_z0ɘ????  @?9AF@ ?A-,A%)8*rU?(IA<(:Zt=PA ;H`A@="m5@w@j> 8=@?H\AAb@W4J>6_?${?9>K%!?ʼn=(1*w_z^2)*(w_z<=0) + (6*ln(((2*w_z)/(sqrt(Pi)*erf(w_z/sqrt(2)))))-3*ln(2))*(w_z>0)D sumf_z0ɘ???? tOCsum(f_z)*// Platform=WindowsNT, IGORVersion=6.364, architecture=Intel, systemTextEncoding="Windows-1252", historyTextEncoding="Windows-1252", procwinTextEncoding="Windows-1252" Silent 101 // use | as bitwise or -- not comment. DefaultFont "Input" MoveWindow/C 39,509,606,699.5 Graph1() Graph0() Table0() MoveWindow/P 661.5,68.75,1223.25,539 KillStrings/Z root:gWMSetNextTextFilesTextEncoding Window Table0() : Table PauseUpdate; Silent 1 // building window... Edit/W=(491.25,114.5,996,617.75) w_coef,w_B,w_z,f_z,sumf_z ModifyTable format(Point)=1 EndMacro Window Graph0() : Graph PauseUpdate; Silent 1 // building window... Display /W=(35.25,42.5,429.75,328.25) w_D,w_B ModifyGraph mode(w_D)=2 ModifyGraph lSize(w_D)=4 ModifyGraph rgb(w_B)=(0,0,65280) EndMacro Window Graph1() : Graph PauseUpdate; Silent 1 // building window... Display /W=(740.25,164,1134.75,372.5) f_z EndMacro #pragma rtGlobals=3 // Use modern global access method and strict wave access. function linear(coefs, x) wave coefs Variable x return (coefs[0] + coefs[1]*x) end function calcZWave() setformula w_z, "(w_D-w_B)/w_e" end function calcBWave() setformula w_B, "linear(w_coef, w_x)" end function calcFZWave() setformula f_z, "(1*w_z^2)*(w_z<=0) + (6*ln(((2*w_z)/(sqrt(Pi)*erf(w_z/sqrt(2)))))-3*ln(2))*(w_z>0)" end function sumFZWave() setformula sumf_z, "sum(f_z)" end