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DefaultFont "Arial" Table0() MoveWindow/C 7.5,584.75,1432.5,740.75 MoveWindow/P 700.5,50,1400.25,686 KillStrings/Z root:gWMSetNextTextFilesTextEncoding Window Table0() : Table PauseUpdate; Silent 1 // building window... Edit/W=(5.25,41.75,1199.25,265.25) D2D ModifyTable format(Point)=1 MoveWindow 0, 0, 0, 0 // Minimize the window. EndMacro  #pragma TextEncoding = "Windows-1252" #pragma rtGlobals=3 // Use modern global access method and strict wave access. function Test2D() make/o/n = (10,13) D2D //to input data from main file manually make/o/n = 10 D1D make/o/n = 10 waveX = {50,50,5,5,15,15,20,20,10,10} make/o/n = 13 K0_c variable/g X_ave = 2.00508 //value pre-determined from earlier procedure variable/g Y_ave = 175399 //value pre-determined from earlier procedure variable aa //aa: cols of D2D file for (aa = 0; aa < 13; aa += 1) D1D[] = D2D[p][aa] wavestats /M=1 /Q D1D make/o/n=3 W_coef W_coef = {1, X_ave, Y_ave} //"1" arbitrarily chosen, less likely to give error than "0" printf "%s, %g, %g, %g, %g\r", "W_coef starting parameters", W_coef[0], W_coef[1], W_coef[2], aa if (V_npnts > 2) FuncFit /Q /H="011" lineFit, kwcWave=W_coef, D1D /X=waveX else printf "%s\r", "Insufficient data points" continue endif printf "%s, %g, %g, %g, %g\r", "W_coef end parameters", W_coef[0], W_coef[1], W_coef[2], aa K0_c[aa] = W_coef[0] endfor end //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function lineFit(w, x) : FitFunc wave w variable x variable val val = w[0] * (x - w[1]) + w[2] //w[1] < 0 return val end