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ROGIXXz;,P VT$mS4winspool\\SDOW04PRINT\DOW04RI5503MFC-034142.97.231.34\\SDOW04PRINT\DOW04RI5503MFC-0  odXXLetter (8.5" x 11")10DR8pQD xW˖6 gaIdh]@$qL,qzIzQnl.?''zlX9G%V(H)H@%Mڎ0@r YZ^ m8A\0q=ߟTRཅ;ee(o X^<΃n6%!o- Hw@jVcQ~0E& k !DjNI?5i3 G!Dx*EHb^~rd;%dSӐػ-Mi1J |~ 7P!<  (1P}>MiC %ׂi饕Ʊ+Q(FJQ)ۨh~l&G|H=7ettgM񲏓kĜi{T|Saqbbcr3ͱ\& GBΡlܬKm¢U df<p 8u1%7/e`?!ʾSdK{Ne}i~:C5ŵEV&aL^}הR]1o~N.^Graph*@@wwwwww?wwwwww?WDashSettings#  ! 6Normal@ Arial<HHHH$$ 6Normal@ Arial<HHHH$$444444 @SST6Normal@ Arial<HHHH$$4 4 4 4 4 4 whomeC;d0$iZC:Users:DarlingtonA:Desktop:C:Users:DarlingtonA:DesktopHC@A @p10sersuserPathwod$iZC:Users:DarlingtonA:Documents:WaveMetrics:Igor Pro 6 User Files:User Procedures:C:Users:DarlingtonA:Documents:WaveMetrics:Igor Pro 6 User Files:User Procedures@QC@A A@psersupdatePathzrdCO&\\wto-science-nas.to.on.ec.gc.ca\arqp_data:Resources:Software:Windows:Igor:Flagger:\\wto-science-nas.to.on.ec.gc.ca\arqp_data:Resources:Software:Windows:Igor:FlaggerJSC@A K@po-scwRecentWindowsCGraph0:site__inst__conc vs site__inst__datetimeIgor Reference.ihf 4Misc_EndXOPState_StartData Browser64onsGizmo64atetimeIgor Reference.iPeakFunctions2-64 SQL64HDF5-64_datetimexia IgorGIS64Help BrowserxData Browser64root4XOPState_Endovcomm_a test commentflagStr_aTEST0Make/N=20/D site__inst__datetime, site__inst__conc site__inst__datetime = datetime + p Edit/K=0 'site__inst__datetime';DelayUpdate ModifyTable format(site__inst__datetime)=8 site__inst__conc = gnoise(10) Edit/K=0 'site__inst__conc';DelayUpdate Make/N=20/T site__inst__conc_1, site__inst__conc_c String/G comm = "test comment" String/G flagStr = "TEST" Make/N=(20,100)/D site__inst__conc_i Edit/K=0 'site__inst__conc_i';DelayUpdate Variable/G ov = 0 Display site__inst__conc vs site__inst__datetime SetScale d 0,0,"dat", site__inst__datetime ShowInfo FlagBox(site__inst__datetime, site__inst__conc, site__inst__conc_1, flagStr, site__inst__conc_c, site__inst__conc_i, ov) FlagBox(site__inst__datetime, site__inst__conc, site__inst__conc_1, flagStr, site__inst__conc_c, site__inst__conc_i, ov) FlagBox(site__inst__datetime, site__inst__conc, site__inst__conc_1, flagStr, site__inst__conc_c, site__inst__conc_i, ov) FlagBox(site__inst__datetime, site__inst__conc, site__inst__conc_1, flagStr, site__inst__conc_c, site__inst__conc_i, ov) !* +-Eꕁsite__inst__datetime????datp2Ap͗2Ap2Ap 2Ap-2ApM2Apm2Ap2Ap2Ap͘2Ap2Ap 2Ap-2ApM2Apm2Ap2Ap2Ap͙2Ap2Ap 2A -Esite__inst__conc????0+@-YrS"b"Wܥ3&@;|k@@ -J(@9 Q5"V)@Y+0$@:'u}?Fi>@`o1@Pz3FƖsite__inst__conc_1????@P?{3Fsite__inst__conc_c????@Բ?z3 site__inst__conc_id????@@@@@@@@*L// Platform=WindowsNT, IGORVersion=6.372, architecture=Intel, systemTextEncoding="Windows-1252", historyTextEncoding="Windows-1252", procwinTextEncoding="Windows-1252" Silent 101 // use | as bitwise or -- not comment. NewPath/Z userPath "::Documents:WaveMetrics:Igor Pro 6 User Files:User Procedures:" NewPath/Z updatePath "\\\\wto-science-nas.to.on.ec.gc.ca\\arqp_data:Resources:Software:Windows:Igor:Flagger:" DefaultFont "Arial" Graph0() MoveWindow/C 32.25,639.5,1178.25,758 MoveWindow/P 339,63.5,1364.25,595.25 KillStrings/Z root:gWMSetNextTextFilesTextEncoding Window Graph0() : Graph PauseUpdate; Silent 1 // building window... Display /W=(465.75,197,1142.25,571.25) site__inst__conc vs site__inst__datetime ModifyGraph dateInfo(bottom)={0,0,0} Cursor/P A site__inst__conc 2;Cursor/P B site__inst__conc 11 ShowInfo EndMacro  #pragma rtGlobals=3 // Use modern global access method and strict wave access. //Flag data inside marquee box Function FlagBox (quantx, quanty, flag, flagStr, comment, id, ov) Wave quantx, quanty Wave/T flag String flagStr Wave/T comment Wave id Variable ov Variable i, j, k SVAR comm Variable st, en, numflg, findex Variable nthreads nthreads = ThreadProcessorCount Variable threadGroupIDC = ThreadGroupCreate(nthreads) if (pcsr(A, "Graph0") <= pcsr(B, "Graph0") ) st = pcsr(A, "Graph0") en = pcsr(B, "Graph0") else st = pcsr(A, "Graph0") en = pcsr(B, "Graph0") endif for (i = st ; i < en + 1;) for (k = 0; k < nthreads; k += 1) // print k, i, st, en, NameOfWave(quantx), nameofwave(quanty),nameofwave(flag), flagStr,nameofWave(comment),comm,nameofwave(id) ThreadStart threadGroupIDC, k, addFlagsC(i, st, en, quantx, quanty, flag, flagStr, comment, comm, id) i += 1 if (i >= en) break endif endfor do Variable threadGroupStatusC = ThreadGroupWait(threadGroupIDC, 100) while(threadGroupStatusC != 0) Variable dummy = ThreadGroupRelease(threadGroupIDC) endfor End ThreadSafe Function addFlagsC(i, st, en, quantx, quanty, flag, flagStr, comment, comm, id) Variable i Variable st, en Wave quantx, quanty Wave/T flag String flagStr Wave/T comment String comm Wave id Variable ov Variable numflg, findex Variable j if (i >= st && i <= en) if (strlen(flag[i]) == 0) //This is a new flag on data that has not been flagged before flag[i] = flagStr comment[i] = comm id[i][0] = 2 else //This data is already flagged or was flagged if (ov == 1) numflg = ItemsInList(flag[i]) for (j = 0; j < numflg; j += 1) //Indicate that flags from the list have been removed if (id[i][j] == 1) id[i][j] = 3 elseif (id[i][j] == 2) id[i][j] = 0 endif endfor flag[i] = flag[i] + ";" + flagStr comment[i] = comment[i] + ";" + comm id[i][numflg] = 2 else numflg = ItemsInList(flag[i]) findex = -1 if (findex < 0) flag[i] = flag[i] + ";" + flagStr comment[i] = comment[i] + ";" + comm id[i][numflg] = 2 endif endif endif else if (ov == 1) numflg = ItemsInList(flag[i]) for (j = 0; j < numflg; j += 1) //Indicate that flags from the list have been removed if (id[i][j] == 1) id[i][j] = 3 elseif (id[i][j] == 2) id[i][j] = 0 endif endfor endif endif End