4Misc_Start4Platform@ xHH@Rg(HHdh xHH@Rg(HHdh x HH@Rg(HHdh ^Graph*WDashSettings#  ! Pj6Normal@ Monaco<HHHH$$4 4 4 4 4 4 homeT@dJJW MBP:Users:jjw:Desktop:active:JJW MBPBDactive cuDesktop/:Users:jjw:Desktop:active/activeJJW MBPUsers/jjw/Desktop/active/ RecentWindowsAdvanced Topics.ihfControls.ihfData Folders.ihfIgor Reference.ihfInteracting with the User.ihfNotebooks.ihfProgramming Techniques.ihfProgramming.ihfSubwindows.ihfWhat's New In Igor Pro 7.ihf 4Misc_EndTXOPState_Start PeakFunctions2-64fControls.ihf4XOPState_EndV_Flag? !v%*// Platform=Macintosh, IGORVersion=7.080, architecture=Intel, systemTextEncoding="MacRoman", historyTextEncoding="MacRoman", procwinTextEncoding="MacRoman", recreationTextEncoding="MacRoman", build=31118 #pragma TextEncoding = "MacRoman" Silent 101 // use | as bitwise or -- not comment. DefaultFont "Helvetica" MoveWindow/P 271,80,1130,642 MoveWindow/C 39,362,273,480 KillStrings/Z root:gWMSetNextTextFilesTextEncoding z#pragma rtGlobals=3 // Use modern global access method and strict wave access. Function MakePanel() variable lbpwidth=250, lbpheight=100, toffset=0 // panel NewPanel/W=(20,80,20+lbpwidth,80+lbpheight)/N=TestIt/K=1 as "Test It" // title block toffset += 5 SetVariable tb0_title,pos={5,toffset},size={lbpwidth-95,20},value=_STR:"",proc=setvariables // notes block toffset += 25 NewNotebook/F=1/N=notefield/W=(6,toffset,lbpwidth-10,toffset+65)/HOST=#/OPTS=(2) Notebook TestIt#notefield, statusWidth=0, autoSave=0, font="Geneva", fSize=10, fStyle=0, textRGB=(0,0,0) // hook and start at title SetWindow TestIt, hook(Pnl)=PanelHook SetVariable tb0_title, activate return 0 end Function SetVariables(sva) : SetVariableControl STRUCT WMSetVariableAction &sva switch( sva.eventCode ) case 1: // mouse up case 2: // Enter key case 3: // Live update print "enter key or live update at set variable ", sva.eventCode, sva.eventMod SetActiveSubWindow #notefield break endswitch return 0 end Function PanelHook(ps) STRUCT WMWinHookStruct &ps variable brk = 0 switch(ps.eventCode) case 11: print "key input at panel" switch(ps.keycode) case 13: print "return key input at panel" break case 27: print "escape key input at panel" SetVariable tb0_title, activate break endswitch break endswitch return brk end