Error: "The volume can not be fuond"
until yesterday worked perfectly on my PC with XP, it made acquisitions from the card National and saves files in specific folders.
Today I copied the procedure to my new pc with win7-64bit, I created the specific save-folders in specific locations and have started the procedure.
When it ends, I get this error: "The specified volume can not be found"
You may depend on what?
Function SV()
Variable/G experimenttime
Variable/G recordingtime
Variable/G duration
Variable/G rate
Variable/G savedrate
Variable/G plotresolution
// variable comment
Variable/G com
string/G wct
Function master(experimenttime, recordingtime, duration, rate, savedrate, plotresolution)
variable experimenttime, recordingtime, duration, rate, savedrate, plotresolution
variable psdflag=1 // first time, make the periodogram
NewPath/O Path1, "C:Users:Carlo:SD" //defines where to save the files
// rate= sampling rate for data acquiring, like 40000 Hz
// savedrate= rate for high time-resolution data recording, like 200 Hz
// plotresolution= interval between each point on strip graph
// recordingtime= interval for saving on disk, like 10s or 30s
// experimenttime= global experiment time, after which acquisition stops, like 3600 s (break stops before and saves)
// savepath = forlder where save the files, like "C:Users:Carlo:SD"
string timenow=date()+" "+time() // date and time now
string filename
variable t0 = stopMSTimer(-2)/10^6 // consults the microseconds timer, from the moment of PC startup
variable t1=0, dt1=0, dt2=0 // time init
if (plotresolution<duration)
plotresolution=duration // cannot update faster than acquire
make/O/N=0 timestrip //store the time
make/O/N=0 deflstrip //where to store the deflection every plotresolution>duration
make /O/N=0 variancestrip //where to store the variance every plotresolution>duration
setscale/P x, t1, (plotresolution), "s", timestrip, deflstrip, variancestrip // sets the spacing of the waves, just to have "s" as unit
setscale/P y, 0,1,"V" deflstrip, variancestrip
setscale/P y,0,1,"s",timestrip
display/W=(220,1,930,150) deflstrip vs timestrip
AppendToGraph/L=L2 variancestrip vs timestrip
ModifyGraph axisEnab(left)={0,0.45}
ModifyGraph axisEnab(L2)={0.55,1}
ModifyGraph freePos(L2)=0
ModifyGraph lblPosMode(L2)=2
ModifyGraph rgb(deflstrip)=(0,0,0)
make /O/N=0 storeaverage, storevariance, storetime, waveaverage, wavevariance, wavetime // to store average and variance for the recordingtime
display/W=(220,220, 550,450) storeaverage vs storetime
variable acq_cycle=0 // counter for acquisition cycle
do //big loop for acquisition and plot
t1=stopMSTimer(-2)/10^6-t0 // evaluate the experimental time
//print "t1=",t1
waveacquire(t1, duration, rate, savedrate, psdflag) // DATA ACQUISITION
dt1+=stopMSTimer(-2)/10^6-t0-t1 // increment the delta time for plotting
dt2+=stopMSTimer(-2)/10^6-t0-t1 // increment the delta time for saving
insertpoints numpnts(storeaverage), numpnts(waveaverage), storeaverage // extends storeaverage
storeaverage[numpnts(storeaverage)-numpnts(waveaverage), numpnts(storeaverage)-1]=waveaverage[p-numpnts(storeaverage)+numpnts(waveaverage)-1] // stores the averaged deflection points
insertpoints numpnts(storevariance), numpnts(wavevariance), storevariance // extends storevariance
storevariance[numpnts(storevariance)-numpnts(wavevariance), numpnts(storevariance)-1]=wavevariance[p-numpnts(storeaverage)+numpnts(waveaverage)-1] // stores the variance time points too
insertpoints numpnts(storetime), numpnts(wavetime), storetime // extends storetime
storetime[numpnts(storetime)-numpnts(wavetime), numpnts(storetime)-1]=wavetime[p-numpnts(storeaverage)+numpnts(waveaverage)-1] // and the times
acq_cycle=+1 //increment the counter for acquisition cycle
if (psdflag==1)
endif // switches off psd
//print dt1," ",dt2
if (dt1>=plotresolution) // after exiting this loops, it adds a plot point ...
// insertpoints numpnts(deflstrip), 1, deflstrip, variancestrip // makes room
timestrip[numpnts(timestrip)]={stopMSTimer(-2)/10^6-t0} // to store the time too
deflstrip[numpnts(deflstrip)]={mean(storeaverage, pnt2x(storeaverage, numpnts(storeaverage)-acq_cycle*rate/savedrate), pnt2x(storeaverage, numpnts(storeaverage)))}
variancestrip[numpnts(variancestrip)]={mean(storevariance, pnt2x(storevariance, numpnts(storevariance)-acq_cycle*rate/savedrate), pnt2x(storevariance, numpnts(storevariance)))/sqrt(acq_cycle*rate/savedrate)}
doupdate // explicitly ask to update the plots (in hope it has not done it before at insertpoint)
// print "plotplot"
dt1=0 //resets delta time for plotting
acq_cycle=0 // resets acquisition cycle, so it later knows what to use for plotting
if (dt2>=recordingtime) // after exiting this loop, it records on file and resets storeaverage and storevariance
// saves storeaverage and storevariance on file with automatic names
// empty storeaverage and storevariance for next acquisitions
timenow=date()+" "+time() // updates time
filename="DeflectionStrip "+num2str(savedrate)+"Hz on "+timenow+"-"+num2istr(dt2)+".txt" // for saving
save /G/P=Path1 storetime storeaverage storevariance as filename // print "I want to save storeaverage and storevariance"
redimension/N=0 storetime, storeaverage, storevariance //clean up
dt2=0 //resets delta time for recording
psdflag=1 // nextg cycle, record the PSD (if there is no next cycle, it records it at the end)
while (t1<experimenttime)
// now save storeaverage and storevariance, as the last portion of it may get lost otherwise (worst case, it will be empty files)
timenow=date()+" "+time() // updates time
filename="DeflectionStrip "+num2str(savedrate)+"Hz on "+timenow+"-"+num2istr(dt2)+".txt" // for saving
save /G/P=Path1 storetime storeaverage storevariance as filename // print "I want to save storeaverage and storevariance"
// and also save deflstrip and variancestrip
timenow=date()+" "+time() // updates time
filename="ExperimentStrip "+"finished on "+timenow+".txt" // for saving
save /G/P=Path1 timestrip deflstrip variancestrip as filename // print "I want to save storeaverage and storevariance"
//print "I want to save deflstrip and variancestrip"
// now acquire last PSD
waveacquire(t1, duration, rate, savedrate, 1) // DATA ACQUISITION (and saving of PSD)
end // of function
Function waveacquire(t1, duration, rate, savedrate, psdflag)
variable t1, duration, rate, savedrate, psdflag
string timenow, filename
variable i=0
variable blocksize=rate/savedrate // blocksize for block averaging
variable segmentsize=0
if (duration*rate>8192*4)
segmentsize=8192// segment size for Periodogram calculation
//print segmentsize
make/O/N=(rate*duration) wave0
make/O/N=(rate*duration/blocksize) wavevariance // wave variance decimated
make/O/N=(rate*duration/blocksize) waveaverage // wave after decimation
make/O/N=(rate*duration/blocksize) wavetime // to store the time points
make/O/N=0 media //to store the recordings
make/O/N=0 timepoints //to store the time of recordings
make/O/N=(segmentsize/2+1) periodogramdomain
setscale/P x, t1, (1/rate), "s", wave0 // sets the spacing of the wave, so the sampling rate
DAQmx_scan/DEV="dev3" WAVES="wave0, 2;" //acquires from DEV device on channel 2 and puts in wave0
if (psdflag==1)
DSPPeriodogram/Q/DLSG/NOR=(segmentsize*segmentsize/2)/SEGN={(segmentsize),(segmentsize/2)}/Win=hanning wave0
timenow=date()+" "+time() // updates time
filename="PSD "+num2str(savedrate)+"Hz on "+timenow+".txt" // for saving
periodogramdomain=pnt2x(W_periodogram, p)
save /G/P=Path1 periodogramdomain W_periodogram as filename // print "I want to save storeaverage and storevariance"
wavevariance=variance(wave0, pnt2x(wave0, blocksize*p), pnt2x(wave0, (blocksize*(p+1))-1))/blocksize
setscale/P x, t1, blocksize*(1/rate), "s", wavevariance // sets the spacing of the wave, so the sampling rate
waveaverage=sum(wave0, pnt2x(wave0, blocksize*p), pnt2x(wave0, (blocksize*(p+1))-1))/blocksize
setscale/P x, t1, blocksize*(1/rate), "s", waveaverage // sets the spacing of the wave, so the sampling rate
wavetime=pnt2x(wavevariance, p) // timings from the scale (?)
variable stoptimer=stopMSTimer(-2) // stops the microseconds timer
<pre><code class="language-igor">
Use the Debug on Error feature to find exactly where the error is occurring. For details, execute:
December 3, 2015 at 10:36 am - Permalink
Now I try to start the " Debugging Error" .
December 3, 2015 at 11:23 am - Permalink
December 3, 2015 at 03:52 pm - Permalink
from the line
at least, then Path1 can be freshly defined.
December 4, 2015 at 12:52 am - Permalink
Alway the same error!, When I remove the path; it ask me the path, I select a random folder, but everytime comes out the error: "The volume can not be found"
December 4, 2015 at 01:34 am - Permalink
December 4, 2015 at 05:10 am - Permalink
on my new PC was set as the time format hh: mm: ss.
Having said this:
in my procedure, the string to save the file is:
timenow=date()+" "+time() // updates time
filename="DeflectionStrip "+num2str(savedrate)+"Hz on "+timenow+"-"+num2istr(dt2)+".txt"
save /G/P=Path1 storetime storeaverage storevariance as filename
Because Windows does not Allows to rename the files with the ":", here that the error was generated!
The end is always the fault of windows !!!
December 4, 2015 at 05:42 am - Permalink